High-res map

By Kai Kazegami, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Hey hey,

I just acquired the PDF version of the 5e core rulebook. Loving it!

I think it would be nice to have a high resolution version of the 5e Rokugan map. Maybe 4k+ or at least around 3000 wide.

It is a highly important (and beautiful) piece of lore, and it bugs me a bit that it gets blurry when I zoom in on the labels.

Does the community already has access to a high res version of the map?

Edit: For example, this is a zoom-in on a label on the PDF:


Hard to read!

Edited by kai_kazegami
Adding screenshot, clarification in italic

This might be a problem with your pdf reader program. The pdf my GM has is high res, here is a 1600% zoom shot from it:


In Acrobat X, it's low-res on the map. And it's low-res in the file, not just in the render – I've stripped the file 3 different ways.

On 11/3/2018 at 10:20 AM, AtoMaki said:

This might be a problem with your pdf reader program. The pdf my GM has is high res, here is a 1600% zoom shot from it:

I can't see your screenshot. Could you try reuploading it?

I don't believe it is a problem with my PDF reader. I use the Adobe Creative Cloud on a daily basis for my work.
If you suspect it is, could you please point me toward a possible fix or troubleshoot?
I haven't encountered this resolution issue on other projects.

And if possible, could you ask your GM where they acquired a PDF with a high res 5e map?

18 hours ago, AK_Aramis said:

In Acrobat X, it's low-res on the map. And it's low-res in the file, not just in the render – I've stripped the file 3 different ways.

Yes, that is my experience with it.


Does FFG have officlal representatives following up on the community that could please shine some light?

@kai_kazegami Here is a hotlink. I'm not an expert, so I can't really help with fixing it, but maybe you can try another pdf reader program (we use SlimPDF) or maybe try to re-download the document. Our GM has the DriveThru version AFAIK.

7 hours ago, AtoMaki said:

@kai_kazegami Here is a hotlink. I'm not an expert, so I can't really help with fixing it, but maybe you can try another pdf reader program (we use SlimPDF) or maybe try to re-download the document. Our GM has the DriveThru version AFAIK.

Thank you for the link!

I have tried three different methods of opening the DriveThru PDF:

Really hard to read.

It would be great if FFG could provide us a high-res support download of it.

On 11/4/2018 at 10:26 AM, AtoMaki said:

@kai_kazegami Here is a hotlink. I'm not an expert, so I can't really help with fixing it, but maybe you can try another pdf reader program (we use SlimPDF) or maybe try to re-download the document. Our GM has the DriveThru version AFAIK.

That's not particularly good. That's the roughly 150 dpi we're complaining about.

Maybe ask the Customer Service email

Here was the 4ed map, i don't have the 5e book to know if its changed at all http://talesofrokugan.com/map/

18 hours ago, wargames-qcf said:

Here was the 4ed map, i don't have the 5e book to know if its changed at all http:  //  talesofrokugan.com/ma  p  /

Yes, it's changed. Considerably, name-wise; the geography is slightly different.