I ran my first game the other day and one encounter was a ship to ship battle. The group consisted of a Void Master, Missionary, a Rogue Trader, and an Astropath. During the encounter it was the Void Master that did the bulk of the work. He piloted the ship and he fired the guns (though never both in the same round) while the Rogue Trader operated sensors and gave his "atta boy" speech to increase the Void Master's skills by 10%. The Missionary and especially the Astropath had very little to do during the encounter. The Astropath didn't contribute anything to the encounter nor did the Missionary until the very end when he made an Intimidation roll to get the other ship to surrender after it had been crippled. He got four successes so I ruled that the crew read the writing on the wall, mutinied, and surrendered with a gift offering of the captain's head to the RT.
I really hate the idea of some players being left out of an encounter. Especially when it can drag on for a while. Any idea on how to involve all the PCs in a ship to ship fight?