For those who haven't seen the previews from Across the Galaxy yet, Double Down is a yellow, neutral, 2 point plot with text that reads:
QuoteYou can include one additional copy of up to 2 different cards in your deck (following all other deckbuilding restrictions).
The possibilities here really are endless. I think it's safe to assume that any non-character card that's already expensive is about to jump in price, as people scramble to get a third copy of their favorite card to include in their deck.
So what are you planning to use this for?
Here are my initial thoughts:
- Chance Cube - Because money
- Force Illusion - Because milling yourself out against an aggro deck is the funnest way to lose
- Ancient Lightsaber - Because DUH!!!
- Planetary Bombardment with Friends in High Places - ie The Londo Mollari Deck. I know, wrong franchise. But I just couldn't resist. What do you want?
- Award Ceremony with Bounty Postings - Hard mulligan for these and see if you can draw your entire deck into hand in round 1
And that's just what jumped to mind immediately - I'm sure I'm missing dozens of obvious opportunities here, not to mention new cards from AtG that we don't even know about yet.
So what do you see becoming your favorite cards to include 3 copies of in a deck?