Not sure if it's something that I missed... Are there rules for losing your school, changing schools, or gaining a new school?
For example, your lord is slain and you are made a ronin... Do you continue your school rank if you are no longer a part of the school proper?
Are you forced to start at rank 1 ronin? Do you redistribute XP into the new curriculum? Or do you keep everything but school abilities? Or should you retain the school rank you had and just switch to the new school? If you were Shugenja do you lose your spiritual abilities due to the fall from grace?
And on the other side: if you were a ronin and proved yourself to a higher power, (eg the Mantis accept you, or you're acknowledged by the emperor) could you switch to a school related to a clan?
Lastly, if you were a part of a clan school, but decide to ascend to the dragon peaks to become ise zumi? I think in this case I'd imagine you start at rank 1 tattooed monk, having discarded your past to attain Enlightenment. Though you weren't dishonored, or forcefully removed of your position, so you'd still maintain your gathered knowledge...
If I simply missed it in the book, please let me know (and hopefully where it is in there) and if not what you folks would houserule for this sorta thing.
Thanks for your time.