Play test story 3 mission 4
So tonight, me and Don opted (more, I suggested, he agreed) to do a play test of this mission, seeing if having more than just one head, planning things would make a difference.
It was on a 3x3 planet map, with the planet in the “SE” corner, 2 cargo/fuel crate locations, in neutral territory with a 14 turn limit.
Since Ryan wasn't coming, rather than run it at 4 ships (which would up us to having to guard two freighters, vice one at 3 ships), I 'dropped' Shrek, and just ran with Snoopy (PS 8, I selected both my seismic bomb and ion bomb, thinking i'd get good use out of them). Don had his new A-wing Shatter (PS 7, Concussion missile), and Twitch (PS 6, selected his sensor jammer, his cluster mines and his ion bomb). Thus our average PS was 7, so that upped the YT, and some of our opposition...
Our opponents were; 2 tie fighters in both alpha and beta squads, starting out (though I did have all the ships needed, had we ran it for 6 players pulled out). Alpha started all the way over in the SW corner, spot 9, while Beta started on spot 2.
Twitch started up in the NW corner, so he could drop his cluster mines, to catch Falcon when they showed up. Shatter was in the middle, with me in the NE corner, just outside the YT.
The first two rounds, went relatively ok, but in round 3, Don made a mistake with Twitch, thinking both in Alpha would turn in behind him, and Showed his back to the just showed up, Delta squad (two regular defenders). His saving grace through this and many other rounds, was his sensor jammer, limiting him to losing 1 shield a round, till round 8, when he lost the last 2 he had.
Snoopy and the YT took out both fighters in Beta, and Shatter, got in on the action with Twitch, leaving Snoopy to help guard the YT..
Eventually, Gamma squads aggressors showed up, and Shatter turned away from helping Twitch, to assisting me in stopping the aggressors, but his shot missed, so did mine AND the YT's.. In the 6 th round, when the first of the elite bomber squads showed up, the Aggressors had took 2 of the YT's shields away (3 now, since Beta-2 took one off the YT). Falcon's Advance had lost both of his shields, and things slowly went bad..
The YT got bumped into and that slowed its draining of the 2 fuel tanks near the SW corner... Eventually the Aggressors disabled it.. Thus leading to us having to shoot the last fuel tank..
We barely got into doing it, when the imps destroyed it for us..
So like my play tests, this went wrong. BUT that was more cause of our own stupidity in how we went about it, than poor rolls...
Don, completely forgot about engaging Sabine Wren, when both his cluster mines AND his ion bomb went off, that allowed Falcon-1 to survive 2 rounds longer than it should have. And I stupidly went with both bombs, and only used ONE of them, and that was in the 2 nd to last round we played... I should have taken both my torpedos and my TLT, rather than my dorsal turret...
Even with it being a loss, Don had great fun playing his new A-wing, without any worry's about it being killed/losing anything..