Ok, I haven’t even finished painting my first 800pts but I have started buying pink foam and I am having too much fun carving hills!!! ? ?
I am trying to consider the movement and cover rules for Legion while I build stuff and I was just curious if other people were on the same page...
I am using 1”inch thick pink foam stacked to build my forest hills.
Trooper Minis:
A Trooper Mini standing next to a section of 1” pink foam looks about the same height as a barricade so I figure those rules apply:
One Layer of 1” Foam:
-Is Difficult Terrain to move up or down the 1” tall edge.
-Trooper Minis behind the hill get heavy cover and can shoot over it.
2” of pink foam seems to be slightly taller than the Trooper Minis. So you can’t shoot over it and moving up anything 2” thick up to 6” would be a regular Climb or Clamber.
I’m a rebel player and a big fan of the AT-RT! My model is 3.5” tall and even though vehicles can’t normally move over terrain that is half it’s height or more the Climbing Vehicle rule says to treat it as a Trooper Mini for Vertical Movement.
So a 2” stack of pink foam would provide heavy cover to an AT-RT but allow it to shoot over. And the AT-RT could walk up onto the stack as Difficult Terrain.
If I have a 3” stack of pink foam my AT-RT could peak over it to shoot and walk up onto it as Difficult Terrain as well?!
I don’t own a model of the Imperial AT-ST but from what I’ve read they can be built about 9” tall up to 12” depending on the stance. So they could step up onto a 4” tall stack right? But they can’t step or climb onto anything 6” or taller.
Whoa, that got really long in a hurry! Whoops.
Does that sound about right?
I’d love to build some stuff that’s up to Range Two (12”) tall. I need some sniper towers or something! Tall cliffs! I dunno. ?
I might post some pictures for fun/examples...