Hi guys! I’m pretty sure the gungans and Wookiee’s of the galaxy are starting to feel left out so here it goes. before we start, there won’t be any leaders for now but I might add some
Gungan Grand Army-
Gungan Warrior- 1 Triangle, 1 Green Die, 1 Black Health
Faamba- 1 Orange Square, 2 Red Health, At the start of each ground combat step, draw a ground tactic card (if you have any other units or structures that have this ability, only use this ability once per ground combat step).
Sullustan Regiment-
Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter- 1 Orange Triangle, 1 Green Die, 1 Black Health
Qaesar Fire-Class Carrier- 1 Blue Circle, 1 Black Die, 2 Red Health, 6 Transport Value
Army of the Wookie Trade Guild-
Wookie Warrior- 1 Orange Circle, 1 Black Die, 1 Green Die, 2 Black Health
Wookie Ornithopter- 1 Orange Circle, 2 Green Dice, 1 Red Health
Bothan Defense Force-
Bothan Battlecruiser- 1 Blue Square, 2 Black Dice, 2 Red Dice, 3 Red Health
Bothan Spy- 1 Yellow Circle, 2 Black Health, If you are the Empire, during the refresh phase, you may eliminate this unit to draw 1 extra probe card. If you are the Rebel, during the refresh phase, you may eliminate this unit to make the Empire draw 1 less probe card.
Mon Calamari Rangers-
Mon Cal Commandos- 1 Yellow Circle, Green Die, 1 Black Health
Indigenous Military Forces-
Indigenous units may only be recruited and/or built if they are loyal to the faction attempting to build them. If a system is subjagated, the Rebels may not build that planets indigenous units, even if that system is loyal to them.
Cinematic Combat Space Tactic Cards-
Launch All Fighters!- At the beginning of this round of battle, you may immediately deploy all fighters from space 1 in build queue. They must be deployed in this system (requires a Qaesar Fire-Class Carrier). Instead of doing this, you may deploy 1 fighter from space 1 in the build queue. It must be deployed in this system.
All Power To Turbolasers!- During this round of battle, you may add 1 red, black, or green die to your attack roll (requires Bothan Battlecruiser). Instead of doin this, you may add 1 green die to your attack roll.
Cinematic Combat Land Tactic Cards-
Call In Bombing Run!- For the rest of this round of combat, you may choose a Y-Wing in this system and make in join this land battle. Change its health to 2 Red Health until it goes back into space (requires a Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter). Instead of doing this, For the rest of this round of combat, you may choose a Y-Wing in this system and make in join this land battle.
Bomma Stampede- For every Gungan Warrior present, you may roll 1 black die against all enemy land units present (requires Gungan Warrior). Instead of doing this, you may roll 1 b lack d ie a gainst all enemy land units present.
Bothan Spy Network- You may choose an extra tactic card this combat round and force your opponent to not choose one at all (requires Bothan Spy). Instead of doing this, you may force your opponent to not choose a tactic card this combat round.
Shrug It Off!- You may remove a 2 dice from your opponents attack roll (requires Wookie Warrior). Instead of doing this, you may remove 1 die from your opponents attack roll.
Activate Personal Shields!- A friendly unit may block 3 damage this turn (requires Mon Cal Commando). Instead of doing this, you may block 1 hit.
Edited by TheSoberPug