In the Deluxe Rulebook some of the component counts are wrong. For example, it lists 72 event cards, while the booklet from the box correctly lists 96 cards (4 x 24). Some of the other numbers on this page are different as well, though I have not yet determined which version has the correct figures. My guess would be that the softcover booklet has had some later editing and contains the most reliable information.
This is of course somewhat unsettling, as it begs the question: why was care not taken to make the game-related contents of these two versions absolutely identical? There might quite possibly be some other more serious issues with rules differences which are not obvious at this point.
Errors in Deluxe Rulebook
I've noticed. I had to buy the Deluxe rule book separately, so it's annoying that is has errors. Hopefully the rules are correct, no other obvious errors.
Most likely the deluxe version was made first and the game rules is the revised corrected edition...
Both the deluxe and paper versions will be “deprecated” once the inevitable FAQ comes out anyway.
The way I look at it, it was a bonus that I got for pre-ordering and has some cool background info as well as investigator stories like the Arkham Horror Investigators book. And at the end of the day, when I’m playing, I’m going to be using the paper ones and not the nice deluxe one.
What I really would like to see is to have deluxe hard cower rule books to old games that Are not getting new expansions.
i would definitely buy AH 2nd edition collected rulebook with all the rules from all the expansions in one book with all erratas in. Same with EH, deluxe rulebook with rules from all expansions in one book with all erratas. That would be really usefull! And when we don`t get new expansions to AH Lcg or AH 3rd edition... a deluxe rulebook to those too would be nice to get, or allmost essential to tye all the knots together!
43 minutes ago, Hannibal_pjv said:What I really would like to see is to have deluxe hard cower rule books to old games that Are not getting new expansions.
i would definitely buy AH 2nd edition collected rulebook with all the rules from all the expansions in one book with all erratas in. Same with EH, deluxe rulebook with rules from all expansions in one book with all erratas. That would be really usefull! And when we don`t get new expansions to AH Lcg or AH 3rd edition... a deluxe rulebook to those too would be nice to get, or allmost essential to tye all the knots together!
Better yet: all of the rules, faqs and errata from all of the expansions rewritten into one comprehensive source (versus one section of the hardcover having the base-game rules, one section having the errata to the base game, one section having the first expansion rules, one section having errata to the first expansion, etc.).
I would love that!
Rules reference, #483.5:
Mechanical text can instruct you to gain a spell . To do so, draw the top card of the ally deck and place it in your player area.
3 hours ago, Julia said:Rules reference, #483.5:
Mechanical text can instruct you to gain a spell . To do so, draw the top card of the ally deck and place it in your player area.
Reminds me of the time in Mansions of Madness when the app instructed me to gain the Preston Fairmont spell. ?
I have found that both books (Soft and Deluxe) have errors in component count...
- Both say "12 Investigator Sheets with matching token and plastic stand" - 6 plastic stands came with the game
- Event Cards - Soft 96 (correct), Deluxe 72 (wrong)
- Special Cards - Soft 26 (correct), Deluxe 28 (wrong)
- Condition Cards - Soft 12 (correct), Deluxe 18 (wrong)
- Money Tokens - Soft 31x1$, 6x5$ Total 40? (wrong), Deluxe 24x1$,6x5$ Total 30(wrong) - game came with 31x1$ and 9x5$ Total 40
I haven't read the rules yet, but if this is any indication, the first FAQ is going to be long.
Edited by Red-Scatha
I am assuming (and have contacted FFG) that the Elder Sign Pendent should be identical (not withstanding traits) but reversed version of Bulletproof Vest. Bulletproof Vest has 4/0 & reduces the incoming damage by 1 if more than 1 damage would be done to the vest. Elder Sign Pendent has 2/4. I am assuming that it should be 0/4.
20 hours ago, Red-Scatha said:- Activation Tokens - both say 6 but the game only came with 5
I've not got the game to hand, but I thought it came with 5 activation tokens plus a leader token (which is a special activation token, making 6 total).
20 hours ago, Red-Scatha said:- Both say "12 Investigator Sheets with matching token and plastic stand" - 6 plastic stands came with the game
Yeah, this is irritating. What would it have cost FFG to put another 6 stands in there? Under a dollar?
At least these plastic stands seem to slot on and off the tokens without damaging them, though. Most FFG components don't manage that. So it could be worse.
(Also, it's yet another FFG game with not quite enough dice... at least they're normal dice, so it's not as bad as Descent or Imperial Assault; but game one, first dice roll, the gangster guy with strength 4 plus a Typewriter giving +4 strength so he gets to roll 8 dice... but there's only 6 dice in the game. And that's the first dice roll we needed to make, it'd be understandable if it were the end of the game and all our characters were massively upgraded, but no. Great job, FFG).
You're right, the activation token with the flashlight is #6.
On 11/5/2018 at 8:29 AM, Duciris said:I am assuming (and have contacted FFG) that the Elder Sign Pendent should be identical (not withstanding traits) but reversed version of Bulletproof Vest. Bulletproof Vest has 4/0 & reduces the incoming damage by 1 if more than 1 damage would be done to the vest. Elder Sign Pendent has 2/4. I am assuming that it should be 0/4.
I believe the Elder Sign Amulet is correct at 2 Health and 4 Sanity. Because it is a physical item that your investigator is wearing, it will absorb one damage before breaking. (As soon as the second damage is inflicted, discard the card.)