OK, I’m new to the Force and Destiny game having mostly played Edge of the Empire up until now. I’ve read through many posts about morality and listened to a number of good podcasts. Still I think I’m going to struggle with Conflict for a while. I just re-read the core rule book about this what I take away is that intent seems to matter as does the relative impact. For example, killing someone in self-defense is not the same as murder, so intent matters. So killing is not always bad, if it’s justified. Also, stealing from someone for self-enrichment isn’t the same as stealing for the poor. Along those lines, stealing from the rich is less bad than stealing from the poor. I also understand that the game isn’t meant to be a course on ethics. That being said I thought it would be cool to get some opinions on the following:
1. Does the force care about intent or strategy? This covers things like the good of the many outweigh the good of the few (thanks Wrath of Khan). It also seems like the hardest part to adjudicate. Killing one person savagely might end a fight with a bunch of others, does that justify the action? Would you award conflict if a PC force-ripped the head off a stormtrooper in front of his companions just to stop further bloodshed?
2. Building off number 1, does the immediacy of the result matter? In other words, a PC might do bad things in the short-term that have a long-term positive effect. Sort of the antihero approach. Do you take this into account when awarding conflict or should things be taken at face value or at least with some constraint on the immediate situation?
3. Does the force care about the emotional state of the character? So, if someone kills a bad guy while enraged is that different than if they kill the bad guy while calm? If the force doesn’t care, then why does the Emperor tell Luke to give into his hate?
4. As a GM, have you faced specific challenges with awarding conflict? Feel free to cite examples where you’ve awarded (or not awarded) conflict in the past that may have been difficult.
There are a couple emergent themes that seem to be areas of debate in this thread. Note that there are no right or wrong answers to the following questions but instead they represent different viewpoints. Also, how you answer #5 may influence how you think about #6 and vice versa.
5) Is Conflict something that is internal to the character (feeling conflicted) or does it represent external pull that is derived from the “will of the force”? This may seem trivial, but it does influence how you think about awarding conflict and probably how you think about the Force more broadly.
6) If a player chooses the less of two evils, do they still earn Conflict ? This is probably going to vary a lot by GM. The general idea is, if a character lies, cheats, steals or perhaps even commits acts of violence but they do so to avoid having to do something much worse, do they still earn conflict?
Edited by VadersMarchKazoo