So what would be your best combo of star wars ships into the best combat fleet possible. Legends and canon both allowed. Here is mine split into various tasks forces based on mission profiles
Combat task force
1 imperial 2/ nebula star destroyer (capital ship)
2 mc 80 home one Mon cal cruisers (battlecrusier)
3 Bothan assualt cruisers (heavy cruiser)
4 Vindicator heavy cruisers (destroyer)
5 2 Carracks 2 Arquitens 1 nebulon b (light cruiser/frigate)
6 2 raider 2 tartan 2 lancer (corvette)
Carrier task force
1 trade federation battleship
2 Venator star destroyers
3 Endurance fleet carriers
4 Escort carriers
5 nebulon b escort frigates
6 Marauder corvettes ( carrier type)
Auxiliaries task force
1 Interdictor ISD/ Madator IV/ torpedo sphere
2 Interdictor cruisers (900 m variant)
3 Vindicator heavy cruisers
4 Broadside cruisers
5 Nebulon b 2 missle frigates
6 Marauder corvettes ( missle type)
Ground assualt task force
1 Imperial 1 star destroyer
2 Victory 1 class star destroyer
3 Acclumator troop transports
4 Gladiator star destroyers
5 Strike class cruisers
6 Star Galleon frigates
Flagship and escorts
1 Eclipse class
2 1Executor, 1Viscount
3 Assertors
4 2 Bellators 2 Praetors
5 Allegiance star destroyers
Space superiority: x-wing
Interceptor: tie defender
Light bomber: scimitar assualt bomber
Heavy bomber: b-wings, k-wings
Patrol ship: skipray blastboat, vt49 decimater
Gunship/dropship: LAAT, sentinel class landing craft, gozanti cruisers
Air superiority: Tie Striker, z95