His guys! Now, I know that the planets like Mon Calamri and Corellia already have pretty good resources to resemble their huge shipyards but I feel like somethings missing. I have been making this expansion to resemble those enormous shipyards and to really put a focus on protecting them. By the way, I’m using this custom expansion as a guideline-
First are leaders-
Gilad Palleon- 2 Space, 2 Land, 3 Logistics, 2 Small Intel
Grand Admiral Thrawn- 4 Space, 1 Land, 3 Intel, 1 Small Spec Ops
Rae Sloane- 2 Space, 1 Land, 2 Spec Ops, 2 Intel
Maximillian Veers- 0 Land, 4 Land, 1 Spec Ops, 1 Logistics, 1 Small Logistics
Crix Madine- 2 Land, 0 Space, 2 Spec Ops, 1 Small Spec Ops
Admiral Raddus- 3 Space, 0 Land, 2 Small Diplomacy, 2 Intel, 1 Logistics
Bail Organa- 1 Land, 1 Space, 4 Diplomacy
General Draven- 2 Spec Ops, 1 Small Spec Ops, 2 Intel, 1 Land, 1 Space
Admiral Nantz- 3 Space, 1 Land, 2 Intel, 2 Logistics
General Sato- 2 Space, 2 Land, 3 Logistics, 1 Small Diplomacy, 1 Intel
Next are recruit cards-
Empire Recruit Cards-
(Gilad Palleon) Final Imperial Push (Instant)- The next refreshment round, draw three probe cards and move all friendly units up 2 in the build queue.
(Grand Admiral Thrawn) Intense Preperation (Instant)- Draw three tactics cards from the space tactics deck and put them next to your faction sheet. They may be used at any time during the remainder of the game.
(Rae Sloane) Loyal Even In Death (Use After Rae Sloane Is Eliminated)- After Rae Sloane is eliminated, eliminate 3 Health worth ofsoldiers present in the system she was eliminated in.
(Maximillian Veers) AT-AT Developer (Add This Card To Your Mission Hand)- (Maximillian Veers Only) Attempt this mission in any system loyal to the empire. If you succeed, put two AT-AT’s in that system.
(Crix Madine) Biological Warfare (Use At The Beginning Of Any Ground Battle)- For every round the battle Crix Madine is involved in goes on, add 1 hit to all of your rolls (+1 hit on the first round, +2 hits on the second round, etc. Only afffects soldiers with Black Health).
Rebellion Recruit Cards-
(Admiral Raddus) They Have The Upper Hand... For Now (Use When Drawing Space Tactic Cards)- For every capital ship in the fleet opposing Admiral Raddus, draw 1 extra tactic card.
(Bail Organa) Skilled Diplomat (Instant)- Add 1 loyalty token to every system loyal to the rebellion.
(General Draven) The Dirty Work (Use At The Beginning Of An Assignment Phase Of Your Choice)- After Draven opposes a mission discard this card to return him to the leader pool, he may only be used to oppose missions this round
(Admiral Nantz) Mobilize The Fleet (Use At The Beginning Of An Activation Phase Of Your Choice)- After Admiral Nantz activates a system, all units in the region may move to that system.
(General Sato) Fighting Retreat (Use After Retreating From A System)- Before General Sato and the fleet he is commanding retreats from the system, attack the opposing fleet one more time.
Empire Projects-
Allegiance-Class Battlecruiser Construction- Resolve on any system with orbital shipyards. Put an Allegiance Battle Cruiser on space 1 of the construction queue.
Next comes ships-
Empire Ships/Units
Allegiance Battle-Cruiser- Project Ship, Attack- 4 Red Dice, 0 Black Dice, Health- 4 Red, 0 Transport Value
Secutor-Class Star Destroyer- 1 Blue Triangle, 1 Blue Square, Attack- 2 Red Dice, 1 Black Die, Health- 4 Red, 10 Transport Value
TIE Defender- 1 Blue Square, 2 Black Dice, 1 Red Die, Health- 1 Black
TIE Phantom- 1 Blue Square, 2 Black Dice, Health- 1 Black, If this ship is attacked in one round, it cannot be attacked in the next round of combat.
Flametrooper- 1 Orange Circle, 2 Black Dice, 1 Black Health
AT-DP- 1 Orange Circle, 2 Black Dice, 1 Red Die, 1 Red Health
Rebel Ships/Troops-
MC-75- 1 Blue Square, 1 Black Die, 1 Red Die, 5 Red Health
Edit: Starhawk Cruiser- Objective, 3 Red Dice, 1 Black Die, 5 Red Health
A-Wing- 1 Blue Circle, 2 Black Dice, 1 Black Health
B-Wing- 1 Blue Circle, 2 Red Dice, 2 Black Health
Wookie Warrior- 1 Yellow Circle, 1 Black Die, 1 Red Die, 2 Black Health
Orbital Shipyards- Before the game starts, but after the planets are selected, the Imperial player may choose to put orbital shipyards around that planet. Ships built by that planet move up 2 spaces in the build queue each turn.
Tactic Cards coming soon!
Edited by TheSoberPug