
By minigames80, in Runewars Miniatures Game

so I was wondering and am not sure if this was asked but I notice a lot of theme armies in other games that get bonuses like in Warhammer and Hordes/Warmachine so I was wanting to know if FFG plans on making this an option if they haven't already and if anyone thinks this is a good idea? also if you want to share an idea of a themed army and its bonuses it may have let me know!

You get that in small amounts in this game through upgrades or unit synergy. The Latari, for instance, have the choice of using overgrowth upgrades or not; if they do, then they're going to want multiple ways of using those upgrades. Or, as another example, the Warden of Horn and Branch upgrade works with Ventala units only. As for unit synergy, if you bring T'uk'Tar into the fight, you're going to want infantry and cavalry in formations that can take wounds easily, so you're not hurt too bad by the Packmaster pointing them in the right direction

But as for 'If your army is all goblins, gain X", no, I don't think it's good for the game.

Edited by Xelto

Xelto pretty much covered it, but at this point you only have synergy, not strict theme bonuses. There are some things that almost qualify, like Prince Faolan giving inspiration to nearby units with Champion upgrades at the start of the game, but that really is just more of a list building incentive.

I'm not strictly opposed to the idea, but I'd say the factions need a deeper roster before it has much chance of working well.

Themes giving a free bonus disrupts balance.

Either you're upping an underpowered unit (so balance is off without the bonus) or you're buffing an already balanced unit (disrupting existing balance).

You can build themed lists; I ran a light cav & skirmishing infantry (oathsworn cav with windrune, spearmean with windrune, Kari with wraith step, and pairs of golems with windrune).

My theme cost 7 points a unit, made the army smaller, and made a super nimble strike force.