Changing Back to Lord VorunThul

By Elliphino, in Runewars Rules Questions

So, it says "place your unit at range 2 and not engaged with a unit"

2 Questions:

  1. Can the unit be placed closer than range 2?
  2. Does the unit have to be acing the same direction as it started? E.g., can it essentially slide backwards then do a reform?

1: it can be anywhere in the area of range 2 so long as some part of the tray is touching.

'At range' is anything touching that distance.

'Within range' is everything inside specified range and not exceeding it.

2: No, pop out of existence and reappear from whatever direction you wish. Free reform!


Is that in an FAQ or anything?

That's just RAW or at least my knowledge of RAI.

Its in the Rules Reference, its explains the different types of range rules. 64.6.