The Runecasters Episode 32: Happy FAQing Anniversary!

By flightmaster101, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Hello Runewarriors!

We’re feeling the excitement for the Runewars World Championship. Today we each discuss the lists we would bring based on our analysis of the current deployments, objectives, and available units. We also talk about some highlights from the new FAQ that was released just recently – a year in the making! So get ready for a lively discussion, and get your creative army-building juices flowing. If you’re inspired by what you hear, feel free to drop us a line with what YOU would bring to Worlds. Enjoy! (NOTE: This was recorded before the change to include no more than 2 copies of any terrain piece in your terrain deck).

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While a bummer the limit to no more than 2 pieces of terrain of the same wasn't something yet published at the time we recorded this, still it's going to be a fun week seeing what everyone REALLY brings to worlds.

And now back to painting.....

Edited by tgall

I do like that restriction for a couple of reasons. Foremost is the fact that you have to do a little bit more thinking about terrain. Secondly I won’t have to find 2 more people to beg for their cathedrals.

Always fun to listen.

One thing though, regarding Seize the Artifacts: One of the guys mentioned stealing the artifacts after killing a unit at range. It was just a joke, but it's important to remember that when a unit dies, it's objective token is discarded, not dropped.

It makes it a bit of a challenge because if you dial in something like Attack+Special and kill the unit, the objective will be discarded before you have a chance to steal it.

Less players just bringing 4 rocks. This is a win

15 minutes ago, Church14 said:

Less players just bringing 4 rocks. This is a win

I miss my field of rocks already.

32 minutes ago, Church14 said:

Less players just bringing 4 rocks. This is a win


52 minutes ago, DekoPuma said:

Always fun to listen.

One thing though, regarding Seize the Artifacts: One of the guys mentioned stealing the artifacts after killing a unit at range. It was just a joke, but it's important to remember that when a unit dies, it's objective token is discarded, not dropped.

Good point! It also puts range heavy armies at a disadvantage this tourney season!