Imperial Navy Core Rulebook?

By Br11741, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Will FFG ever release a way to play as Imperial characters? That should be there next Core Rulebook. If they do what should be included? ISB, Sith classes and powers, what else? I think a great and funny game could be just ordinary Stormtroopers that can hit anything and what happens on the days that they actually start hitting things.

I think you might be interested in my fan created module, Imperial Storm Commando.

Imperial Storm Command o

Edited by Lagspike

Surely a splatbook would sell like hotcakes, although I question whether we need a full core rulebook for such purposes. Either way it would be a fine addition to the line.

There was another thread along these lines where they suggested a new cover for AoR with an Imperial variation.

There was even an Imperial version of Duty options I believe?

With the pivot in publishing strategy I could now see an Imperial supplement being release at some point as a general book like Dawn of Rebellion.

Maybe have a few new Universal specs, a variety of stat blocks, GM guidance and some Imperial focused gear. There could even be some form of new subsystem to represent something Imperial focused.

Sorry but no, no plans, no hint of plans, no teasers, simply nothing. If you want an imperial campaign, go buy legion and use your imagination.

My opinion is, "Why wait?"

You have pretty much everything that you would need in AoR.

I'm currently GMing an AoR campaign on the Empire side. I changed a few thing to the character creation in the AoR corebook are duties and motivations. I made than more in tune for PCs fighting for the Empire. And the only species available are human and near-human. But all the careers and specialisations could work with imperials PCs.

I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'd buy a re-skinned AoR Imperial core book.

Image result for duty honor empire

On 10/28/2018 at 11:13 PM, Rogo727 said:

Sorry but no, no plans, no hint of plans, no teasers, simply nothing. If you want an imperial campaign, go buy legion and use your imagination.

"If you want a Clone Wars campaign, go buy AoR/F&D and use your imagination."

On 10/29/2018 at 1:04 AM, Mark Caliber said:

My opinion is, "Why wait?"

You have pretty much everything that you would need in AoR.

"You have pretty much everything you need [for The Clone Wars] in AoR/F&D"

Low and behold.

Edited by Arbitrator

The difference is there isn't any background about the Clone Wars in any of the three corebook. While we have a lot of background about the Empire in them. "Pretty much everything" does not mean "everything".

And publishing an Imperial book on the same model as Dawn of Rebellion or Rise of the Separatists will mean that we will play the bad guys. I doubt Disney will allow it. But if in the Rise of the Separatists book it is allowed to create characters on the Separatists side, I could change my mind on that.

As others have said, for the most part you can use the AoR core rulebook with minimal tweaking needed.

Duty types would need a focus shift to reflect that the PCs are part of the Imperial war machine, as well as the fact that the Empire isn't nearly as resource-starved as the Rebel Alliance is. Motivations might need a bit of re-fluffing to again count for the PCs being Imperials as opposed to Rebels, but most of them should work just fine.

The careers and specs (both in the corebook and in the career supplements) work perfectly fine as written for Imperial PCs given they have a much more military cant to them than do the bulk of the careers in EotE or F&D.

Also, Dawn of Rebellion has a lot of info on the Empire during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, covering both the Rebels TV series (up to about mid-point of Season 3) and Rogue One, so a lot of the operational info needed for an Empire-based campaign is addressed there.

The technique for adapting stats from one game to another is called "shaving off the serial numbers."

And the FFG rules are sufficiently vague that I can take the stats for an E-ll and call it an E-5 for a clown wars era campaign.

Besides 90% of my material is coming from Wookieepedia. (Yeah, I might have gotten that spelled right this time . . . :huh: ).

On 10/28/2018 at 4:13 PM, Rogo727 said:

Sorry but no, no plans

Okay, so what do you know that we don't?

FFG's infamously tight-lipped, so unless you're breaking an NDA, how can you be sure? Are you stepping in as the new prophet of the line while @Absol197 consults the oracle? ?

On 10/31/2018 at 6:28 AM, WolfRider said:

will mean that we will play the bad guys. I doubt Disney will allow it.

Strange, then, that full Dark Side use is elucidated for us. Why, from a certain point of view , the Jedi are evil!

Joking aside, we know that the real evil here is the lust for filthy lucre, and printing up another book with mostly recycled content is something FFG has no qualms about, so there's certainly impetus to put out such a product. Now, I'm not complaining, I buy them all, recycled content or not. The best way to ensure the health of the game I enjoy is to keep FFG paid.

And if Disney DOES have qualms, they can focus the game on remorseful Imperials. This will allow them to present exactly the same raw info while not... officially... encouraging players to be "bad".

My group just played a one-shot as Imperials, with a "remorseful" bent. (In our regular EotE game, the players are trying to help a sympathetic Imperial officer break ties with his evil overlords, and the one-shot was a chance to learn more about his background.) We simply used AoR for the careers/specializations. It worked fine once we inverted some of the motivations, and we felt we had enough background information between AoR and Wookieepedia.

On 10/31/2018 at 7:28 AM, WolfRider said:

The difference is there isn't any background about the Clone Wars in any of the three corebook.

What more do you need?

There's three movies and 5 seasons of a pretty great TV show about them, and an excellent cartoon as well..

Seriously though, if it's just flavor text there's a ton of the old d20 books about the clone wars time period.

Is there a particular stat block you need?

Edited by Zrob314
On 11/3/2018 at 8:14 AM, themensch said:

Okay, so what do you know that we don't?

FFG's infamously tight-lipped, so unless you're breaking an NDA, how can you be sure? Are you stepping in as the new prophet of the line while @Absol197 consults the oracle? ?

Everything, here ended the lesson Palawan.

On 10/31/2018 at 6:24 AM, Arbitrator said:

"If you want a Clone Wars campaign, go buy AoR/F&D and use your imagination."

"You have pretty much everything you need [for The Clone Wars] in AoR/F&D"

Low and behold.

Sadly no. Unless you stat everything yourself.

5 minutes ago, Rogo727 said:

Everything, here ended the lesson Palawan.

I don't know who this Palawan fella is, but I hope they spill the beans.

18 minutes ago, themensch said:

I don't know who this Palawan fella is, but I hope they spill the beans.

Most people aren’t students of history and that’s just fine, atfter buying into WEG, then WOTC and now FFG history often repeats itself, this game has slowed down to a trickle, its not a good sign. It’s like you can see the future and there is nothing you can do change it.

56 minutes ago, Rogo727 said:

Most people aren’t students of history and that’s just fine, atfter buying into WEG, then WOTC and now FFG history often repeats itself, this game has slowed down to a trickle, its not a good sign. It’s like you can see the future and there is nothing you can do change it.

How is it not a good sign? It could mean that they're finally going to announce a 2nd edition or perhaps even that another company is taking over the license. Both of these would be welcome revelations.

18 hours ago, Rogo727 said:

Most people aren’t students of history and that’s just fine, atfter buying into WEG, then WOTC and now FFG history often repeats itself, this game has slowed down to a trickle, its not a good sign. It’s like you can see the future and there is nothing you can do change it.

As a student of history, I'm just happy they were able to complete the line. I have owned far too many games where the producer was unable to complete the task before funding ran out. At this point I am left wondering what there is left for FFG to create aside from era and area splatbooks.

I'm reluctant to pursue the fabled 2nd Edition because I own all of the first edition books (sans the forthcoming rise of the Separatists, but that's on pre-order) and I'm not likely to repeat the expenditure. I hope FFG follows suit with a conversion guide like they did for X-Wing 2nd Edition, were they to pursue this option. Barring that, the OSR movement has put a lot of games on my shelf that I can legally own in PDF format, fit in a backpack, and play with standard dice, so maybe it'd be the time I move on.

22 minutes ago, themensch said:

At this point I am left wondering what there is left for FFG to create aside from era and area splatbooks.

They've pretty much said as much, with the statement that the line is going to focus on era/area sourcebooks.

So it sounds like they still have product plans, just ones not as vigorous back when the RPG lines began, especially now that all the major career splats have been published.

And seeing as how FFG is still making money of the minis games, I don't think they'll be letting go of the license (my understanding is that the RPG, card games, and minis games all come part and parcel of the same license) any time in the near future.

Though if their RPG department has shrunk as much as some of the speculation suggests, it's entirely possibly that FFG's RPG department simply doesn't have the resources to fully back multiple RPG product lines. And with Genesys and L5R being the in-company IPs, it's not surprising that they'd get more of the attention in terms of RPG staffing resources as opposed to Star Wars, which has covered the majority of what it's needed to cover.