New units reviews / impressions?

By Xquer, in Runewars Miniatures Game

How have the new units been working for everyone? Are the ventala causing nonstop rage? Has the Baron made golems so OP I should buy more boxes to field a 6 tray? Is Vampire Lord the new salt mine?

So far I only played one game with Ventala and the prince. Using the 2x3 I found that getting the range 3 to be tricky without ending up caught and engaged next round. Going forward I will focus more on just a 3x1.

I did not manage proper use of the Prince, but that starting inspiration for close units is nice since I like to run lots of exhaustables. I am eager to run Valor on him for the same reason. Also I realised late that you can charge straight with him while having the shield modifier active since you only cancel the mod if you break up the 3 forward.

I've seen some of the new stuff in action. Lord V is an impressive beast of a unit. He makes waiqar a force to be reckoned with.

Encountered Baron Z once, and it wasnt a pleasant experience.

Ventala are great. But weird. For any armada fans, they are an arquiten in every way. Good ranged-flanker-not quite glass cannon. They want ranks for rerolls.

Haven't gotten a chance to try faolan yet.

All around, I like what they have done with the game.

7 minutes ago, Jukey said:

They  want ranks for re  rol  l   s 

Do you think the single die reroll from warsong would be enough?

1 hour ago, Xquer said:

Do you think the single die reroll from warsong would be enough?

Certainly. Anything under 30 pts that gets a reroll on a 3 threat attack is a great points economy.

1 hour ago, Jukey said:

Ventala are great. But weird. For any armada fans, they are an arquiten in every way. Good ranged-flanker-not quite glass cannon. They want ranks for rerolls.

1 hour ago, Xquer said:

Do you think the single die reroll from warsong would be enough?

I've run them to good effect without extra ranks, just with flank fire and metered march, in a 1x3 configuration. The important thing to remember, if you're doing this configuration, is that they're light cavalry. Their job is to harass and keep moving, not to duke it out with your opponent. Basically, you're trying to force him to decide whether he wants to commit to chasing down a 31-point highly maneuverable unit, or accept an average of 4 unanswered damage per turn.

You need to take advantage of your ability to turn at will and stop anywhere along the template to close in within the 3-distance that gets you extra dice, as well as to stay well away from anyone chasing you. Stay on the flank of opposing missile units, so they can't target you... and keep moving.

When, eventually, you do get caught, you can still shift and fire.

Edited by Xelto

I've played against Lord Vorunthul and Baron. Basically, every list is including the new units until players get used to them and love them.

Playing against Vorunthul: He's really tough to pin down and manage. He can also tear up your flank pretty quickly if you're not careful, which means you really have to pay close attention to his deployment and where you allot your own units.

Playing against Baron Zachereth: One game wasn't enough to tell.

Playing the new Latari units:

1. I played Spirit Sword/Legendary Prowess on Faolan. The -1 die mechanic with Precise Brutal means your damage averages number of dice minus one times two. You're a little under that amount on average with just the blue, and substituting a white or red for blue with Legendary Prowess takes you almost there. He's got the maneuverability to flank, and he really wants to flank badly. The blue dice are a nice mechanic that varies his damage, but there's not as much that you can do about it even with Malcorne's, though having one unit that can clearly collect tokens on Confluence of Magic and flip runes might help him slightly. Spirit Sword makes him a durable defensive hero, and as someone has already pointed out, you can armor up even on a charge. I like what he adds. It is going to be a lot easier to bring exhaust mechanics in the elven armies, and they've gotten a lot of them with the Ventala release. Faolan is going to be powerful on his own right. Basically, most factions have a heavy melee unit and Faolan brings this to the elves.

2. Ventala: I played the 1x3 with Flank Fire. My goal was simply to put as many of the new Latari upgrades on the table, and both Faolan and all six trays of my Ventala, to see what they could do. I was underwhelmed. I did have a Greenwatch Herald with a plan to reroll off the overgrowth, but you're still around 1.25 average hits. I don't think having two of them was good, though I could see some kind of build with Greenwatch or Warsong and a single 1x3 Ventala unit working in tandem. The problem I have with that is that it ties two of your units to a specific spot and with a specific goal of killing whatever The Darnati engage, and that isn't always the optimal tactical decision.

I've looked at a 2x3 Flank Fire for next week. The damage spikes well, and Tempered seems like a good bet if combined with Faolin to help trigger it. They seem like they want a little damage boost if you're going to mess with bringing the full 2x3. Though more importantly, you face the opportunity cost of not being able to spend those points elsewhere, so really figuring out where Ventala will do more than spending the same points as another unit is the key.

2x1 Rank Discipline: This might be the best bet for bringing enough to trigger the Warden upgrade, probably on a Darnati. For the points, you get a pretty versatile and mobile unit that can alternatively attack at range or melee depending upon the circumstances.

2x2: Might be the best candidate for Hedge Shroud, especially if mostly parked next to overgrowth terrain. Also a good candidate for Maegan/Fire Rune. You basically end up with the same cost as the 2x2 Archers, but on a slightly more mobile and defensive platform.