Happy - **** it, lets make some predictions.

By Church14, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Mistlands has a nice thread for worlds results. Let’s throw in some pointless post-worlds predictions:

1) What is the next deployment that will be in the tournament schedule?

2) What is the deployment you want to be next in the tournament schedule?

3) What is the next objective in the tournament cycle?

4) What do you want to have as the next objective in the tournament cycle?

For me:

1) Long Canyon

2) Mutual Reinforcements. Oh please, let us have this in tournaments.

3) Escort

4) Ancient Wards.

2) Vanguard Clash -- I really liked the loadout

4) Ancient Wards as well -- I really liked it

I'm not sure what *will* show up though

I'll second long canyon, it completely changes how you think about deployments when you compare it to the current set

Objectives wise, I really want something that is impactful. I want that, yes you can kill more of my stuff but you ignored the objective so I've won anyway