Just finished a game with my cousin, and it was a very close match, I will post details tomorrow because we started at 10:00pm and ended at 1:45am.
Alright here is my list:
Thrawn VSD v1
Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 399/400
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Assault Objective: Station Assault
Defense Objective: Contested Outpost
Navigation Objective: Superior Positions
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54pts)
- Centicore ( 3pts)
- Captain Needa ( 2pts)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7pts)
= 66 total ship cost
Victory II-Class Star Destroyer (85pts)
- Grand Admiral Thrawn ( 32pts)
- Minister Tua ( 2pts)
- Gunnery Team ( 7pts)
- Disposable Capacitors ( 3pts)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7pts)
- X17 Turbolasers ( 6pts)
- Leading Shots ( 4pts)
= 146 total ship cost
Victory II-Class Star Destroyer (85pts)
- Captain Brunson ( 5pts)
- Gunnery Team ( 7pts)
- Disposable Capacitors ( 3pts)
- X17 Turbolasers ( 6pts)
- Leading Shots ( 4pts)
= 110 total ship cost
1 Zertik Strom ( 15pts)
1 Colonel Jendon ( 20pts)
1 Darth Vader ( 21pts)
1 Maarek Steele ( 21pts)
= 77 total squadron cost
Unfortunately I don't have his exact list details right now but he had 3 TRC90s (1 being Jaina's Light), a Comms Net GR75, and a Home One Assault Cruiser with Rieekan onboard. His squadron complement was lighter than mine with Biggs and 2 X-Wings.
He had an idea of what my objectives were from experience with a previous double VSD build and went second instead. I chose Intel Sweep already feeling in trouble. With Strategic Adviser he had 6 activations to my 3, and I didn't have my objectives to set the terms.
Centicore was my objective ship and Jaina's Light was his. Despite his activation advantage I managed to deploy my VSDs in the right place, going at Speed 2 to catch Jaina's Light quickly. Centicore was going Speed 2 to catch the 2 obj. tokens I placed.
End of Round 1 had my VSDs ready to catch all of his CR90s.
Here was the first shot of the match during Round 2, this was foreshadowing both of our dice rolls throughout the game.
End of Round had Brunson's VSD virtually unharmed while Thrawn's Crimson Sunrise sustained minor damage. Both Centicore and Jaina's Light accuired a obj. token.
Blow up a CR90 but Jaina's Light escaped, and I was incapable of putting damage on the Assault Cruiser due to rolls like these.
I believe that this was the end of Round 4, to my disappointment I couldn't pop all the CR90s in one go in Round 3.
Brunson's final decision before her demise was to use a Thrawn squadron dial to have all but Biggs killed. Centicore later activated Strom to help it kill the last CR90 (Jaina's Light) at the end of Round 5, but failed to get to the tiebreaker obj. token. Vader was killed by Biggs and some Cruiser flak.
End of Round 6 nothing really happened as neither Crimson Sunrise or Home One had any previous damage to build on for a final round kill. My squadrons couldn't kill Biggs.
It was a very fun and close match where I won 181/131.
@Sander_Delvardus'_Dynamic_Hammer can provide his thoughts on the match.
Shout out to @Triangular , it took me awhile to type this out, thanks for the message earlier. ?
Edited by Piratical Moustache