We just need this army so the game could be finished-finished. Any chance of us getting it?
The white walkers expansion
I wonder if they would come up with something where the White Walkers replace the Wildling mechanic. A threat against the entire kingdom.
My concept for a White Walker expansion was that, if no one got seven castles by round 10, then the player with the least castles becomes the controller of the White Walkers (like the Vassal system with Mother of Dragons). They would function as a horde, with no tile limit to troop number. There’d be three White Walkers and they would need to be present to “turn” the troops they kill. It would speed the end of the game up and the player that controls them would gain an advantage.
Alternatively, the expansion pack includes a set of cards for each place on the board. Everytime a troop is killed on that tile they are placed on the card at the side of the board. So that every time the walkers move into a new space their army grows.
To balance this, perhaps when cards with a Valyrian steel blade defeat an army, they can choose to either send the defeated troops to the wall or to kill them. This could increase the “hit points” of the wall, which could slow down the inevitable Walker assault. Perhaps the number on the wildling threat track is also equal to the hitpoints required, making it really uncertain whether or not the wall can hold the walkers or it will fall.
This could be really cool, but I suspect such a mechanic would be game breaking