New Darth Vader?

By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Thoughts? I'm impressed! Wondering where he'll get money for everything, but still impressed .

53 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

Thoughts? I'm impressed! Wondering where he'll get money for everything, but still impressed .

He has a 2 resource side. He is going to pay for things by taking more resources than any non-resource dedicated deck. And he doesnt need to because his damage sides are huge.

As Tunewalker said he has a 2 resource side. Worse case scenario with him you roll no damage but 4 resources, yes I know he has blanks Im talking worst case with a usable side. So 6 Resources turn one to play Darksaber/Vaders/Mauls and 2-3 left for mitigation.

Also I see him being played in Yellow with Greedo for things like He Doesnt Like You, Arms Deal, and even Bait and Switch. Vader wont have problems with resources.

On 10/24/2018 at 8:05 PM, GamerGuy1984 said:

Also I see him being played in Yellow with Greedo for things like He Doesnt Like You, Arms Deal, and even Bait and Switch. Vader wont have problems with resources.

I think double Talzin and single Vader3 with getting Way of the Force on him will be a better combo. The fact she can turn his die to that 4 melee side is just too spicy.


Friends in high places to get in dark saber and his new troops will be nice too. With his die sides it should be easy enough.

I completely agree @HoodieDM . Vader/eTalzin is going to be something to keep an eye on and is going to be one of the first things I try. However, the first thing I'm excited to try is eVader/Battle Droid with Retribution as a plot. Retribution is absolutely going to make Vader's dice untouchable! This means that your opponent has to either choose to take the hit from retribution and risk you rolling even better when you do discard a card to send in that die or swallow the 6-8 damage in front of him! Personally, I can't wait. His worst die is honestly the 2 shield which isn't even very bad.

So now that we've had a chance to try him, what does everyone think of Vader? And how are you building your decks?

I got lucky in pulling two of him early, so I've been able to make an eVader/Greedo deck without spending big bucks (other than the price of buying the booster box of AtG, which is how I got the first one). Here's my deck, which is now 5-2 in a pair of small store tournies:

But after seeing another deck list with a very good record ( ), I've been rethinking my approach. Do I really need 8 weapons and Lightsaber Pull in my deck, just to make sure I can deploy 2 weapons on Vader early (the 3rd upgrade slot is reserved for Force Illusion)? That guy went 8-0 in a big tourney with no weapons in his deck. He has other damage cards like Backup Muscle, Lightsaber Throw, and Conflicted instead, but he seems to rely mostly on just Vader's dice for damage, along with Greedo. This does cut down on the need for resources, but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable making an aggro deck with no actual damage dice in the deck itself, relying on only the character dice and direct damage cards to get the job done.

Also, I've wanted to try a red deck with him, probably with First Order Stormtrooper instead of Retribution and Battle Droid, just because I like the FOS having a resource side on his die, and 1 more health (enough to survive two uses of The Best Defense). I think I like some of the cards in yellow (He Doesn't Like You, Bait and Switch, Truce) better than the stuff red supplies, but I haven't made the full deck yet to find out for sure.

So far, I’ve seen him work well in eTalzin/Vader WotF decks. When I’ve played them they typically kill a character turn two. A first turn Chance Cube can make it really hard to cut down with all the heal/resurrect you can do.

I also like an eVader/Nute deck that I’ve run into. Uses the plot that does two damage to yourself to fit in Nute. Small price to pay for Nute’s ability early game and two Leadership. But, if it doesn’t draw Leadership early, it doesn’t seem to have the power of the Talzin build.

Now would be a good time to put forward a new Q regarding Vader and his ability and possible ways how to negate it. Any Pro-Tips? What have you tried out, guys?

4 hours ago, vlasopes said:

Now would be a good time to put forward a new Q regarding Vader and his ability and possible ways how to negate it. Any Pro-Tips? What have you tried out, guys?

Suppressive Fire, Prized Possession, Carbon Freezing Chamber. All of those are ways to keep his dice out of the pool without being Power Action’d back in.

Alas two of those are rotating out.

I'm glad Vader is as powerful as he is. He is by far overpowered. Finally the best character ever is a force in the game once again. I think when rotation happens and standard settles in the game will be better for it.