Coruscant Back Alleys - The Triple Cross

By viktr, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


1- All gangsters deal damage at the same time or is it resolved one by one?

2- What happens if one figure is the closest non-gangster figure for more than one gangster? Does it suffer 2 damage or 2 damage for each gangster?



Edited by viktr

Each of those figures suffer 2 damage simultaneously. If there are effects resulting from that, they are resolved in the timing conflict resolution order.

The wording says each of those figures only suffer 2 damage (even if a figure is closest to more than one Gangster). Thus if there is a tie in being the closest, the player with initiative can take advantage of the power breaking the ties when determining the closest (edit: asking for the correct way).

Edited by a1bert

Actually You could argue, that when more figures are "closest" all of them suffer damage. Note, that the rulling says "for each gangster, determine the closest non-gangster figures (not figure)". Imo if the intent was to damage only one figure per gangster it would say "for each gansger, determine the closest non ganster figure". But it may be some english grammar nuance I don't understand :)

True that. I'll ask.

Edit: Yes, there can be multiple closest figures for each gangster.

Edited by a1bert

Everybody knows, that true gangsters just spray N pray!

Edited by Szycha