The Worlds of Android in PDF?

By BMaack, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

With Shadow of the Beanstalk on its way, I think now would be as good a time as any to release The Worlds of Android in PDF.

Here's my 5-point pitch

  • Cyberpunk as a genre is on the rise thanks to the forthcoming Cyberpunk 2077. Even R Talsorian Games is releasing a new edition of Cyberpunk 2020 called Cyberpunk RED.
  • Cyberpunk 2020's setting is scattered across several supplements, while Android's setting is beautifully packaged in one of the best setting books I've ever seen.
  • The Android setting is, in my opinion, the best cyberpunk setting ever created for a game. Interface Zero 2.0 is too catchall and not inspired enough, and Cyberpunk 2020's setting is becoming more of an alternate timeline and less of a possible future.
  • This book is so nice, that I really don't like to take it places because I'm afraid I'm going to damage it.
  • The absolute best part about the book is the gorgeous art. I have no doubts that putting a PDF out would increase interest in purchasing the physical copy. So even if people acquire the PDF illegally, Game Masters will still go out and buy the hard copy so that they can use all the art in their sessions.

Oh! And if my 5-point pitch doesn't work, I'll just throw in a last ditch effort:

Pretty please?? ?

Edited by BMaack