The Mistlands Watchtower World's Giveaway/Quiz

By Evil Doctor T, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Greetings from the watchtower

We were hoping to announce this on our next episode but alas we had some technical difficulties that have delayed the release by a week. Given how close to world's we are we wanted to give you guys chance to enter.

To celebrate world's this year we are doing a little quiz as a bit of fun. We will post some alt arts to the winner from a faction of their choice

All you need to do to enter is reply to this post, message us on Facebook (@mistlandswatchtower), the initiative one discord, I go by Evil Doctor T, or email us at [email protected].

Name the faction

Winning faction

Most represented faction overall

Least represented faction overall

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8

  2. Number of daqan in top 8

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8

  4. Number of Latari in top 8

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8

  2. Will a podcast host make the final

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list?

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8?

We will take submissions until the Wednesday before worlds and hopefully announce a winner shortly after (although it depends on how long it takes to get all the lists)

Good luck!

Name the faction

Winner: Latari (gotta go with the home team!)
Most represented: Uthuk, despite not having new toys
Least represented: Waiqar the not really alive

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3
    Less. Actually, my bet would be for precisely 3, but that wasn't an option.

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8

  2. Number of daqan in top 8

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8

  4. Number of Latari in top 8

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8
    If you're counting by 'number of armies that field this unit': spined threshers
    If you're counting by 'total units of this type': deepwood archers
    If you're counting by 'total trays of this unit': spearmen

  2. Will a podcast host make the final

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list?

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8?

We will take submissions until the Wednesday before worlds and hopefully announce a winner shortly after (although it depends on how long it takes to get all the lists)

Good luck!

Name the faction 

Winning faction


Most represented faction overall


Least represented faction overall


More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3. More

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10. More

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25. Less

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5. Same

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8. 4

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 1

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 1

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8. Spinee Thresher

  2. Will a podcast host make the final. How many are there? Ye?

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top    8?  Yes

Typically, for an over/under bet, you set it to a value that can’t be achieved. So instead of more or less than 3 6tray archers, you would do “more or less than 2.5 6 tray archer blocks”

Name the faction

Winner: Waiqar
Most represented: Uthuk
Least represented: Waiqar

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3
    More, there will be 4.

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8

  2. Number of daqan in top 8

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8

  4. Number of Latari in top 8

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8
    Spined Threshers

  2. Will a podcast host make the final
    Yes, top 4

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list?

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8?

Name the faction

Winning faction - Daqan

Most represented faction overall - Latari

Least represented faction overall - Waiqar

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 MORE

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10. LESS

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25. LESS

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5. MORE

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 - 2

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 - 2

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 - 1

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 - 3

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8 - Deepwoods Archers

  2. Will a podcast host make the final - YES

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? - NO

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? - YES

Edited by playnwin

Name the faction

Winning faction Waiqar

Most represented faction overall Uthuk

Least represented faction overall Daqan

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 Fewer . Honestly, I think I'd have picked 3.

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 Fewer. I think there won't be a ton of single Lancers, and enough Latari will be replacing bumping Scions for small Darnati to bring this down to 6-8 or so.

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 Again, I think you hit it on the head here. Probably two dual-hero lists and one hero-less list. I'll call higher, since I have to pick.

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 Again, you hit it on the head, here. Probably more likely to be 6 than 4, though, so I'll say higher since I have to pick one.

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 3

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 1

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 3

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8 Spined Threshers

  2. Will a podcast host make the final No. Sorry. ;)

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No, Faolan is very tempting now and will compete for points that Latari can't spare for a dual-hero build.

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? Maybe Maro, but probably not. No.

8 hours ago, Evil Doctor T said:

Name the faction

Winning faction - Waiqar

Most represented faction overall - Daqan

Least represented faction overall - Uthuk

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 - MORE

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 - LESS

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 - MORE

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 - SAME

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 - 1

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 - 3

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 - 2

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 - 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8 - Derpwood Archers

  2. Will a podcast host make the final - Yes

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? - No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? - Maro will be in the winning list

We will take submissions until the Wednesday before worlds and hopefully announce a winner shortly after (although it depends on how long it takes to get all the lists)

Good luck!

3 hours ago, Church14 said:

Typically, for an over/under bet, you set it to a value that can’t be achieved. So instead of more or less than 3 6tray archers, you would do “more or less than 2.5 6 tray archer blocks”

Sorry that's my bad!

It'd feel weird changing it now, next time I'll sort it :)

Name the faction

Winning faction


 Most represented faction overall


Least represented faction overall


More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 Less than 3

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 Less than 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 Less than 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 Less than 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 3

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 2

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 1

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 2


What do you think?

  1.  Most common unit in top 8 Thresher , 2 tray version

  2. Will a podcast host make the final No

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? No

21 hours ago, Evil Doctor T said:

Name the faction

Winning faction - Daqan

Most represented faction overall - Waiqar

Least represented faction overall - Uthuk

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 - MORE

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 - LESS

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 - MORE

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 - MORE

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 - 0

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 - 4

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 - 2

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 - 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8 - Crossbowmen

  2. Will a podcast host make the final - YES

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? - NO

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? - YES

Name the faction:

1: Latari 2: Latari 3: Daqan

Simple answers:

1: Less 2: Less 3: More 4: More

Give a number:

1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3

What do I think:

1: Spined Thresher 2: Yes 3: No 4: Yes

Name the faction

Winning faction


 Most represented faction overall


Least represented faction overall


More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 Less than 3

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 Less than 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 More than 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 More than 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 3

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 1

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 1

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 3


What do you think?

  1.  Most common unit in top 8 Thresher , 2 tray version

  2. Will a podcast host make the final No

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? No

Winning faction


 Most represented faction overall


Least represented faction overall


More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 Less than 3

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 Less than 10

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 More than 1.25

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 Less than 5

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 2

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 2

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 2

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 2


What do you think?

  1.  Most common unit in top 8 Thresher , 2 tray version

  2. Will a podcast host make the final No

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? Yes

Name the faction

Winning faction: Daqan

Most represented faction overall: Daqan

Least represented faction overall: Uthuk

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8: 3 Less

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8: 5 Less

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8: 1.3 Less

  4. Number of units in the winning list: 5 More

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8: 2

  2. Number of daqan in top 8: 2

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8: 2

  4. Number of Latari in top 8: 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8: Heavy Crossbowmen

  2. Will a podcast host make the final? Yes

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? No

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? Solid maybe

Edited by Aetheriac
fixing answeres
On 10/21/2018 at 8:54 AM, Evil Doctor T said:

Name the faction

Winning faction = Uthuk

Most represented faction overall = Latari

Least represented faction overall = Daqan

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

  1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 - 3 = LESS

  2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10 = LESS

  3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25 = LESS

  4. Number of units in the winning list - 5 = LESS

Give us a number

  1. Number of uthuk in top 8 = 3

  2. Number of daqan in top 8 = 1

  3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 = 2

  4. Number of Latari in top 8 = 2

What do you think?

  1. Most common unit in top 8 = 2x1 Spined Thresher

  2. Will a podcast host make the final = NO

  3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? = NO

  4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? = NO

Good Luck everyone!

Name the faction

Winning faction : Uthuk

Most represented faction overall : Daqan

Least represented faction overall : Waiqar

More or less - simply answer if you think there will be more or less than the number we have given

1. Number of six tray archer blocks in the top 8 – 3


2. Number of single tray siege units in the top 8 - 10


3. Average number of heroes per list in the top 8 - 1.25


4. Number of units in the winning list – 5


Give us a number

1. Number of uthuk in top 8 - 4

2. Number of daqan in top 8 - 1

3. Number of Waiqar in top 8 - 1

4. Number of Latari in top 8 - 2

What do you think?

1. Most common unit in top 8 Spined Thresher

2. Will a podcast host make the final Of course!

3. Will Aliana be in every Latari list? - No

4. Will Ardus or Maro make a showing in the top 8? - Yes

First of all thank you all for entering and apologies for the delay in this post (life got in the way)

I'll try and post up a little more in depth and we discuss it in our latest episode but the winners are @Glucose98 and @FranquesEnbiens

If you guys want to DM me we can sort out some prizes

Wow, I'm surprised! How did you end up scoring each question? 1 pt each?


Congrats @Glucose98 and thanks Mistland Watchtower for doing this - it was fun!

On 11/26/2018 at 7:30 PM, Glucose98 said:

Wow, I'm surprised! How did you end up scoring each question? 1 pt each?

Correct yes

It was the easiest way in the end

I'll try and put some more in depth details up soon