Happy Friday - Guess what’s left edition

By Church14, in Runewars Miniatures Game

It’s quiet... too quiet. So it’s time for everyone favorite hobby in Miniatures games: predictions!

Remaining cards to be spoiled:

- Support Osbcene embedded champion for infantry

- Uthuk-only training upgrade from Viper Legion

- Gorgemaw embedded champion for siege [19 points]

- BeastmasterT embedded champion for cavalry [3/2, cavalry]

- 7 unique upgrades total for Beastmaster or Gorgemaw

— “Gra...” - something involving shifts and reforms

— “...aging Terror” - 3 points, Impact 1?

— “... Jaws” - 5 points

— ?

— ?

— ?

— ?

lets make some guesses. If somebody nails down more than 3 of them, you can have bragging rights

Edited by Church14

The ... jaws looks like it's going to be a copy of Hawthornes attack ability to target multiple opponents. Since he has sweeping strikes built in this would capitalize on that.

... terror is definitely an Impact modifier, but I will guess it's tied to a rune, probably stable?

Gra... grasping or grappling. Units engaged may not perform the shift or reform actions during their activations.

Man, if jaws is Hawthorne's multiple attacks that can be vicious with whirling sinew. Dial attack attack. Attack whatever is in front of you. Spin to face someone or someones else and attack a bunch again.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks “Gra...” will prevent units from shifting or reforming during their activation. I want that ability

Also, I want to take a stab at the Uthuk training:

[MELEE]: Unique Surge (or surge-surge), gain Brutal 1 for this attack.

Edited by Church14
3 minutes ago, Church14 said:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks “Gra...” will prevent units from shifting or reforming during their activation. I want that ability

Interesting question: Would you run captivating hexer if it prevented reforms and shifts?

I have never run it. It seems too weak and too specific for its cost...

When Jukey still ran Leonx, I sure did think about it.

If it didn’t allow reform as well, then it has a dumb synergy with aggresive drummer and the Reanimates ability to then perform a wheel charge. You can occasionally do that wheel charge and catch a flank.

Edited by Church14


... Jaws doesn't line up with Hawthorne's multi-attack ability text. I'm gonna say "During the second melee attack you perform during your activation, gain Brutal 1 for this attack."

...aging Terror is definitely impact, and looks like nothing else. To be worth 3 points I think it'd have to be more than [stable], but then with his panic synergy maybe not.

@Xquer is spot on again with Gra(sping)... I wonder if that would prevent you from triggering Uncertainty...

Cavalry champion looks to have two clauses plus Precise. First one looks like a free action of some sort ("perform a") maybe before the activation? You'd think it would combine well with Flesh Rippers. Second part "This unit may spend Inspiration tokens when it performs a [march] or [shift] and..."? Unit GAINS tokens for colliding with an enemy maybe?

Siege champion appears to be different text based on the spacing, so I'm thinking a keyword first, let's say impact. That's strange though, because in every case I can find (including Th'uk Tar's cavalry champion) keyword abilities come at the end! What's short enough to account for that gap between his name and rules text? [Melee attack] Add a die maybe?? As for the rest, something to do with someone's command tool, something to do with panic and shifting.

4 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:

@Xquer is spot on again with Gra(sping)... I wonder if that would prevent you from triggering Uncertainty  .  ..

It appears to say “during their activation.” So morale tests (during your activation) or the hero abilities like LordV’s or PrinceF’s uniques would work. Beastmaster’s skill too.

Edited by Church14
24 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:

[Melee attack] Add a die maybe?  ?

It is definitely an attack modification. I think adding a die is the shortest mod that fits since replacing a die is too much text to show space. Maybe lethal

I think it's similar to the calvary upgrade, as you suggested, "before you reveal your command dial" perform something, March or shift?

32 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:

Jaws  doesn't line up with Hawthorne's multi-attack ability text  


It would be pretty cool if one of the uniques was a discard on at start of activation to swap your equipped unique upgrades to another set of lesser or equal points. Let you adapt on the fly and surprise your opponent with a different set of skills.

Jaws seems to be for Beastmaster only and not Gorgemaw so I am doubtful that it is brutal 1, as much as I would love it to be.

Raging Terror is very likely to be impact and I hope it's impact 2 (would impact Unstable be too much :P ) so that you can take Fearmonger's Whip artifact and have lethal 3 on a charge.

As others have pointed out, Grasping Maw seems to be "unit's engaged cannot perform reform or shift when engaged with you".

After that, the other five are anyone's guess but I do think it's going to be five for Th'uk Tor and five for Gorgemaw.