On many occasions I’ve found that my PCs will try to convince an NPC or NPCs to do something that is not consistent with the NPCs occupation, background or situation.
For example, before a firefight they may tell a group of stormtroopers to drop their weapons using Coercion. In this case, the dice pool is generally set by the opposed check: PCs coercion vs. troopers discipline (HARD). However, in this situation it is unlikely that the troopers would give up easily.
I have generally added boost or setback dice which I just say are ‘situational’. Here’s my attempt to put some structure behind this. Constructive feedback is appreciated. I’ve kept this simple and referred to the active character as the PC and assume the PC is making the check, though that’s not typically the terminology used. I’ve also tried to use the guidelines in the EotE CRB for these checks.
Social encounter modifiers
- NPC is indifferent to cause or request: no modifiers
- NPC is sympathetic to cause or request: 1 boost
- NPC will directly benefit from the request (financial, revenge, etc): 2 boost
- NPC’s general beliefs are opposed to cause: 1-2 setback
- NPC’s official position is opposed to cause or request, NPC has sworn an oath in opposition to cause or NPC will be negatively impacted by the request: + 1 difficulty or 2-3 setback
Situation modifiers (based on tactical advantage, relative size of opposing parties, difference in social status/rank or appearance)
- PCs and NPCs are on equal ground
- PC have small advantage over NPCs: 1 boost
- PC have large advantage over NPCs: 2-3 boost
- NPC have small advantage over PCs: 1-2 setback
- NPC have large advantage over PCs: +1 difficulty or 2-3 setback (or set difficulty based on number of NPCs)
These would work in combo (eg if the stormtroopers in the example above are motivated to resist the request (due to their position and oath) but are greatly outnumbered (maybe only one trooper remains and guns are drawn) then the PC rolling coercion may get 2 setback but 2 boost.
I've tried to keep this broad so that it would apply to Coercion, Charm or Deception, though I was thinking about Coercion the most so that may have impacted my thinking.