This is a the second mini game i've created and is much easier to play than the first game
L5R - MINI Game 1 - Yoso Go
I'm not going to explain all the rules for placing stones as they can be found in the first game, so if you understand that game then this should be super easy t follow.
Decide who goes first
Players take turns placing stones onto the board
Each round they can only place a new stone.
Once a stone is in place then it stays there the whole game. It can't be captured and it never moves.
Just like the first game players must play in the same element type that matches the spot where the last token was placed.
There are 2 ways to win
1, If you're opponent can't make a legal move then you win
2, If you fill any of the 20 lines with 4 of your tokens you win
Ok Lets run through a quick game to see how it plays
The honour player goes first and plays Void Zone on the Void spot.
The fate player plays in the Air zone on the Void Spot.
The honour players plays back in the Void zone on the Earth spot.
The fate player plays in the Fire zone on the Earth spot
The honour player plays in the Air zone on the Earth spot
The fate player plays in the Earth zone o the Earth spot
The honour player plays in the Water zone on the Earth spot
The fate player plays in the Earth zone on the Void Spot
The honour player plays in the Water zone on the Void spot
The Fate Player plays in the Void zone on the Air spot
The honour player plays in the Air zone on the Water spot
The fate player plays in the Water zone on the Air spot
The honour player plays in the Air zone on the Fire spot
The fate player plays in the Fire zone on the water spot
The honour player plays in the Void zone and wins the game by creating a line of 4 in a row
The wining line highlighted
A reminder of all 20 possible winning lines
Thats it a very quick and easy game that is over in a few minutes
Any good name suggestion for this game?
L5R MINI-Game #2 - Stone Placement - Four in a Row!
Nice, another good idea. I think this one will catch on quicker as it is simpler to learn. Probably teach this one first to get folks used to placement then teach them game #1.