1.0 huge and 2.0 for the rest. Works ok.

By Gilarius, in X-Wing Epic Play

I finally got to play an epic game this year.

We tried simply using the old 1.0 rules for our huge ships whilst using 2.0 for our normal ships. Yes, this effectively meant that huge ships were a lot cheaper or that the other ships cost a lot more.

This encouraged us to use more huge ships than we would previously.

2 Raiders, 2 Gozantis and 8 Interceptors vs 2 CR90s, 2 C-ROCs, 4 U-Wings, 4 Z95s, one Kimogila, one X-wing, and one Kihraxz.

800pts vs 1000pts, but with extra victory conditions for the Imperials to make up for the lower points total.

It was a good game and the only thing we'd change rule-wise is to limit Thug Droids to once per round and limited so only 1 copy per ship. The crits being dealt were crippling to all ships on the receiving end.

that sounds fun, and bad for small ships getting mushed

On 10/23/2018 at 9:29 AM, Vontoothskie said:

that sounds fun, and bad for small ships getting mushed

No small ships got run over. Partly because my team launched our Interceptors far too early, in a classic demonstration of true Imperial Doctrine & Tactics (send out the fighter cover to be annihilated, leaving the cruisers undefended when they finally come into range), and because the only Rebel ships that were in danger of being squashed also actually got destroyed first.

We did win on a technicality: we still had 2 combat ships (both Raiders, half crippled) on the table when our reinforcements (a metaphorical Star Destroyer plus 72 Tie Fighters) arrived to rescue us. Also known as closing time at the store we were playing at!

Great job @Gilarius . I've been planning to do this on a smaller scale sometime soon, I've even got some volunteers lined up.

  1. What did you do with the jam action?
  2. What did you do with reinforce?
  3. Did any of the 1.0 epic upgrades feel over powered?

We kept Jam and Reinforce exactly as originally written. No one used jam (the transports were non-combat versions not Rebel Transports).

Old style reinforce on huge ships was fine, working exactly as it used to do; none of the other ships had reinforce available so the contrast wasn't there.

Huge ship upgrades that didn't work, or were unbalanced: spamming multiple Thug Droid teams on the corvettes were really nasty and need banning or limiting to one attack, once per turn; and Dengar crew was perhaps too potent to get rerolls without using an action.

1 hour ago, Gilarius said:

We kept Jam and Reinforce exactly as originally written. No one used jam (the transports were non-combat versions not Rebel Transports).

Old style reinforce on huge ships was fine, working exactly as it used to do; none of the other ships had reinforce available so the contrast wasn't there.

Huge ship upgrades that didn't work, or were unbalanced: spamming multiple Thug Droid teams on the corvettes were really nasty and need banning or limiting to one attack, once per turn; and Dengar crew was perhaps too potent to get rerolls without using an action.

Ahh, you used 1.0 crews on them as well. I was thinking phasing them out due to 1.0 power creep.

3 hours ago, LagJanson said:

Ahh, you used 1.0 crews on them as well. I was thinking phasing them out due to 1.0 power creep.

I'd keep the 'huge ship only' crew available. Otherwise, it's probably best to lose as much 1.0 stuff as possible.

20 hours ago, Gilarius said:

I'd keep the 'huge ship only' crew available. Otherwise, it's probably best to lose as much 1.0 stuff as possible.

I would also recommend crew and double crew that hasn't converted over to 2.0 like Wookie Commandos. Anyway this is a good merge for Epic into 2.0 until FFG does the full conversion.

On 10/27/2018 at 10:09 AM, LagJanson said:

Great job @Gilarius . I've been planning to do this on a smaller scale sometime soon, I've even got some volunteers lined up.

  1. What did you do with the jam action?
  2. What did you do with reinforce?
  3. Did any of the 1.0 epic upgrades feel over powered?

Here's my take on this:

1. Huge Ship Jam Action: When a huge ship performs the Jam action, it chooses one ship at Range 1-2 and assigns it 2 jam tokens.
-- this makes the Huge Ship jam action function similarly to the standard 2.0 jam action, while also making it more powerful than the standard version (since huge ship actions are so valuable). It also works a bit like Toryn Farr, who is now a more costly but more powerful similar effect (making sense that she's an expert electronic warfare specialist) and a bit like Tarkin and Suppressor, which keeps the "jamming is taking stuff away" general theme. The other jam-related upgrades (e.g. Duty Free) all work fine with this version, although "Frequency Jammer" becomes a little thematically odd. Two solutions if you don't want to play Frequency Jammer as-is with this version of Jam: (1) have Frequency Jammer assign 1 Jam token to another ship at Range 1 of the jammed ship OR (2) have Frequency Jammer also assign a stress to the ship that is jammed.

2. Huge Ship Reinforce Action: functions as it used to, in that the targeted reinforced section can add 1 Evade Result and reduces incoming damage to a minimum of 0 .
--since Huge Ship action-economy is so precious, this makes "Huge Reinforce" a slightly better version of 2.0 Standard Reinforce, just like with the Jam action. A t least for now, the Huge Ship reinforce action and token and application are different than the standard version, so I so no inherent problem with them still functioning differently.

Edited by AllWingsStandyingBy

I have thought of Huge ships use 1st edition, and then the rest use threat. Just an idea to keep the focus on huge ships.

Did anyone suggest doubling the points for epics to match values in 2.0? To me that sounds like a solid balance

On 11/7/2018 at 8:02 PM, BCvalor said:

Did anyone suggest doubling the points for epics to match values in 2.0? To me that sounds like a solid balance

Yes. I chose not to, so we could field as many as possible. That aspect worked very well, so I'll repeat it next time. Previously, using a huge ship weakened a fleet - the huge ships really weren't worth their points.

2 hours ago, Gilarius said:

Yes. I chose not to, so we could field as many as possible. That aspect worked very well, so I'll repeat it next time. Previously, using a huge ship weakened a fleet - the huge ships really weren't worth their points.

I have heard that. I hope they add a conversion kit for them that balances the epics. Epic was so fun.

Interesting. I was going to double the amount of points they cost, but if keeping them at the same price was fairly balanced... I might do that. Or maybe add 25-50 points as a sort of “epic tax”?

23 hours ago, Sir Orrin said:

Interesting. I was going to double the amount of points they cost, but if keeping them at the same price was fairly balanced... I might do that. Or maybe add 25-50 points as a sort of “epic tax”?

Simply ask yourself and your opponents, do we want more huge ships, the same amount, or less?

I specifically wanted as many huge ships on the table as possible, so I kept their points the same as in 1st. This meant that adding upgrades was cost-effective compared to getting more normal ships, which meant the huge ships weren't overwhelmed by swarms of attacks.

2 hours ago, Gilarius said:

Simply ask yourself and your opponents, do we want more huge ships, the same amount, or less?

I specifically wanted as many huge ships on the table as possible, so I kept their points the same as in 1st. This meant that adding upgrades was cost-effective compared to getting more normal ships, which meant the huge ships weren't overwhelmed by swarms of attacks.

I have a feeling my next epic opponent will be cool with having more ships. Glad I read this!