Hello, I want to buy a good Wargame. Can you say me the difference between Runewars and War of the ring please ?
Hello, I want to buy a good Wargame. Can you say me the difference between Runewars and War of the ring please ?
Biggest difference IMO is the number of players. WOTR is basically a 2 player game and is very sound in its design and entertainment value. Runewars is more of a 3-4 player game that CAN be played with 2 but really plays better with 3-4 players. Both games actually play very well and are themed well toward their respective lore.
You are definetly going to have a bigger problem getting a hold of a copy of WoTR as it's out of print and copies of it are hard to come by. The ones that do show up are usually completely overpriced. If you can afford the price on the CE version of WoTR they usually come up for sale on Ebay regularly but at an extremely inflated price of usually $600 or more.
If I could only own a single game, it would be War of the Ring. I love it that much. That being said, I also own RuneWars and I really like it a lot.
After playing War of the Ring, I'm ready to jump right back in for a second game. With RuneWars, maybe I ready to go a few days later. I can't even use the 2 player vs. 4 player concerns, since as many as six people regularly show up for games, either of these titles couldn't fit everyone.
I don't think I can convey all the things I love about War of the Ring. I know part of it is the setting. I'm a huge LotR fan. When I'm playing WotR, I am not only watching the events unfold in game form, but I'm actively manipulating them. People have criticized that there's little variation in terms of how the game is played, but I disagree. Yes, both players have an ultimate goal to victory, but that path can quickly change as soon as the first cards are drawn or the first action dice are rolled. You are at the same time, planing, acting, and reacting. I love to win, but War of the Ring has given me some of the most thrilling losses I've experienced. Despite those outcomes, those sessions were deeply satisfying.
Too much gushing? I make no apologies.
I honestly haven't played RuneWars enough to tell you all the reasons I like it. I like the variety in map set up. I like the way the armies feel different (because they are), but are still balanced. I like making alliances with other players and seeing the tears in their eyes, when I break them. I love how your best laid plans can be dashed both card draws equally as by other players. I love the way combat is resolved. I love the way that the game favors the aggressor over the turtle.
If you are a LotR fan, and know another gamer who is as well, then I think you know which game you need to get. If not so much, then either title is up for grabs. You also need to consider your gaming group. If it's 2, then you've got to do some thinking. If it's 2-4 people, then RW might be more up your alley. More than 4? Let the others play a game, while you grab one person for WotR.
WAR OF THE RING without any doubt... a beatiful thematic game...
The perfect game except for the cards...i use a magnify lens to read them...
( 52 years old).
If the game wasn´t a great game do you think that someone and FLGS invest on a collector's edition so expensive???
Sorry for the poor english.
WAR OF THE RING without any doubt... a beatiful thematic game...
The perfect game except for the cards...i use a magnify lens to read them...
( 52 years old).
If the game wasn´t a great game do you think that someone and FLGS invest on a collector's edition so expensive???
Sorry for the poor english.
If it's a wargame you want, War of the Rings. Both are great games, however I wouldn't class Runewars as a wargame, more an adventure game.
Scratch my last comment. I always get Runewars and Runebound muddled.
Haven't played Runewars yet so can't really comment.