Knowledge sources

By Seam, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hello all!

We have a new player in our group (which otherwise is all EotE-charcters) who plays a force sensitive character. My question is, how do I bestow some (jedi) knowledge on that player? Beside holocrons (which I always considered very, very rare items, especially during the galactic civil war), what might be good sources this character might stumble upon? Are books/tomes a thing in the Star Wars Universe? I really can't remember. Maybe some lost datapads from the Coruscant temble? A mentor I want to reserve for a later adventure.


TLJ had books/tomes of Jedi knowledge. I'd imagine any would be considered contraband by the empire. That would make them pretty rare, but as a GM you can do what you want. Could be a fun adventure.

Heck, you could build an adventure around locating/acquiring badly damaged pages that had been torn from such a tome. It also lets you limit their knowledge within the narrative and lets you get creative if youre so inclined.

You could also take a page out of Marvel's playbook and have your players find a journal written by a jedi or other force user. In the journal you could describe significant places the characters could travel to to learn more. Lots of angles you could take.

Edited by ghatt

Jedi are not the only ones with knowledge of the force, and knowledge of the force doesn’t have to be so obvious. Perhaps they learn some meditation techniques from one monk they bump into in a dusty town, and begin to see visions of the future whilst meditating. I would take a look at the character they have made, and ask some questions about where they want to go with it, then try to place the knowledge in their path through the universe. A mentor doesn’t have to look like a Jedi

At some point Visions should come into it, perhaps start each session with a short description of a reoccurring dream they are having that’s vaguely related to the plot. These visions could perhaps start when they find themselves in possession of a crystal of some kind

Eventually there could be an encounter with a force ghost, perhaps one that leads them to the holocron they desire.

I like the idea of mentors or meetings with those from other force traditions because this opens up options down the road. For example, what is the agenda of this non-jedi force user? Are they from a cult that could become a problem for the PCs? Do they have misleading advice?

In my campaign, I’ve established the existence a religion that controls its own portion of the galaxy. It worships the Force (by a different name), and its ruler is always a Force user (as are the clergy). Being a theocracy, ranking clergy also serve as governmental leaders. Special clergy operatives work alongside the military (similar to Inquisitors). Until reaching higher levels, these Force-wielding clergy are taught that their use of the Force is dependent upon rites and rituals within their holy book, which they keep with them at all times. The kicker, though, is that - while not technophobes - they believe that droids and AI are sacreligious, and an affront to their beliefs by mimicking true life.

Perhaps the player(s) could encounter a similar organization. Could be as large or as small as you want it to be. What kind of lessons could be learned there...and what kind of problems could be kicked off if some of the clergy that believe they need the book to exercise their powers discover that this random person, not elevated within the church, can do these things on their own?

The others have posted some excellent ideas. And, yes, there is also the option of finding lost tomes and other texts in written form as books, scrolls, and datapads.

'Jewel of Yavin' has someone that your force sensitive would be very interested to meet.