ACT III (ACT #3)???

By Guinuav, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

How about FFG makes an ACT III mini campaign which can be combined in all campaigns? Tell me your opinions.

Seems impossible.

1)The campaigns are quite different, you can't juts apply a 'mini campaign' as an extension for all others;

2) FFG is paying attention to descent anymore, despite our claims in the foruns.

Go ahed and make your own, is all I can say. :)

23 hours ago, leewroy said:

Go ahed and make your own, is all I can say. :)

I'll second this. By all means, come up with a monster scaling factor (e.g. apply +4 to each monster's health, +1 damage to surge abilities, add a green die and a gray die...) perhaps some bonus XP and/or threat for the OL, and potentially drum up some equipment for the heroes.

Power to you, do it up.

and what about including all campaigns that we already have in the app of road to legend? It would be an interesting option...

Edited by Ravenus

I think it's an interesting thought, but it would require so many new components that I'm not sure it would be worth it for FFG.

Every single unit (including the stuff from Heroes and Monsters packs and any Lieutenants/Agent), new Item Shop cards (presumably at least a decent amount, since the other Acts have a good amount of stuff now) rebalanced relics, rebalancing skills.

It's a fun idea, but it would be a nightmare to implement.