Children of the Empire Spoilers

By Tonbo Karasu, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

18 minutes ago, Kakita Shiro said:

Such a card would probably require a Yojimbo.

Sadly aside from Crab Scorpion and Phoenix no one else has Yojimbo yet so it would be a pretty rough (although thematic) requirement to put out there. But a card like that will I think be needed in the future to rein in bully dueling.

There was a CCG holding (Chugo Seido) that you could sacrifice to change the target of an action to one of your samurai (in the LCG, that'd be a Bushi ) if the new target was legal.

I wouldn't be too worried about dragon using mirumoto daisho, most of the more competitive dragon players seem to be of the opinion that 2 cost makes an attachment unplayable, and as such dismiss them out of hand. It really gets on my nerves.

1 hour ago, Kakita Shiro said:

Such a card would probably require a Yojimbo.

Cool idea, I'd see a Crane Kakita Yojimbo that let's you subtitute a Courtier or Shugenja for him in Mil duels your opponent initiates. Or a Courtier that can step in in Pol duels for Bushi characters.



That holding province....

Edited by Coyote Walks

My thoughts on the cards previewed:

Overall - Well. That certainly is a lot of dueling. No idea if it will shake up the meta sufficiently to become its own thing, but that is a lot of dueling.

Illustrious Forge - This is now the reason to run Seeker of Fire, now that Feast or Famine is Restricted. I expect to see this as the go to Fire Province for Unicorn and Crab as well. Meditations on the Tao is nice, but any deck which runs a decent amount of Attachments is going to want to run this. Crane with Seeker of Fire are going to like this, as are Dragon if they ever get a Seeker of Fire role again. Finally? I like it. And it synergizes with Kitsuki Yaruma, so hey. That's cool.

Kakita Dojo - I see this having a place in the post Masters of the Court Crane deck, which just wants to get more duels on the table to increase the use of their box. Blanking text and bowing is also nice, but ultimately it takes a Holding slot, so it must be compared to Favored Ground, and I'm not sure if it is worth it just yet.

Kakita Toshimoko - Yeah, that ability is something I would have expected to see on a Lion Clan character. He is a nice Charge! target on the new Crane box, but yeah. I'm just not seeing it. He is somehow even more situational than Kaezin. At least he's a reason for the Scorpion to swing Political with only - Mils on your SH?

Iaijutsu Master - I want to say it is just plain better than Mirumoto Daisho, simply because it's only 1 Fate? But it's the Duelist restriction that really hurts it. Again, this is a card for the post Kyuden Kakita Crane, but it is the sort of card which will really help you push that Honor win. Contingency Plan on a stick is just nice. Can't wait to see the Keeper of Air Crane bully dueling dishonor deck.

Prudent Challenger - The best parts of this card is Courtesy and 0 Glory. Otherwise, it's a blank 2 Mil / 2 Pol for 2 Fate. Okay, maybe that's too harsh. You can use its ability to clear off Poison Attachments, saving your Let Go's and Miya Mystics for better Attachment removal. I expect to never see this used offensively, except by Togashi Yokuni.

Mirumoto Dojo - ... See, now THIS is what I was expecting from Dragon dueling. Yeah, losing a Fate from your own guy isn't usually good, but I can see it being done to clear Fate from a body who got Cloud'd or the like. And then there's the offensive super-advantage. The greatest thing about this? Doesn't say "At this province". Just having it face up at all means you can rip someone's Fate and get them one step closer to being eaten by Raitsugu.

Mirumoto Hitomi - Okay, looks like the Dragon have found their replacement for Niten Master. Give her a Seal of the Dragon, and watch her go to town defending a Sacred Sanctuary, or chewing about apart the Phoenix, Crane, or Unicorn. Amusingly, she is terrible for dueling the Crab, which amuses me to no end. A+ on flavor, FFG. B+ on design.

Edited by sndwurks
Courtesy, not Sincerity

Toshimoko never loses :) .

Also, called him :D .

Hitomi is an actual beast, piratically a For Shame x2 on a stick (x4 if Way of the Dragon ever sees play), bowing and dishonour are just going to happen. This might even edge Dragon going toward the Crab style military/dishonour route into their tool kit. The Dragon 2 cost is pretty solid. I'm sure some Dragon players might brush him off but a 2/2 for 2 (really for 1) with zero glory an ability that allows him to slap off Ornate Fans at the very least is nothing to ignore.

Edited by Hordeoverseer

And that's the OP updated. We have all of the 4-costs and all of the Challengers spoiled now.

33 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

And that's the OP updated. We have all of the 4-costs and all of the Challengers spoiled now.

Are you sure Illustrious Forge is #3 and not #2? Maybe my sight's going, but it looks like a 2 to me.

18 minutes ago, Mangod said:

Are you sure Illustrious Forge is #3 and not #2? Maybe my sight's going, but it looks like a 2 to me.

I'm pretty sure that Provinces go Air, Earth, Fire, Void then Water.

11 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

I'm pretty sure that Provinces go Air, Earth, Fire, Void then Water.

Neutrals were alphabetical in core so they will likely repeat that this time.

26 minutes ago, Schmoozies said:

Neutrals were alphabetical in core so they will likely repeat that this time.

More specifically, they go: Ancestral Lands (#15), Elemental Fury (#16), Entrenched Position (#17), Fertile Fields (#18), Manicured Garden (#19), Meditations on the Tao (#20), Night Raid (#21), Prilgrimage (#22), Rally to the Cause (#23) and Shameful Display (#24).

Earth, Water, Earth, Air, Air, Fire, Fire, Void, Water, Void.

1 hour ago, Schmoozies said:

Neutrals were alphabetical in core so they will likely repeat that this time.

29 minutes ago, Mangod said:

More specifically, they go: Ancestral Lands (#15), Elemental Fury (#16), Entrenched Position (#17), Fertile Fields (#18), Manicured Garden (#19), Meditations on the Tao (#20), Night Raid (#21), Prilgrimage (#22), Rally to the Cause (#23) and Shameful Display (#24).

Earth, Water, Earth, Air, Air, Fire, Fire, Void, Water, Void.

Yeah, but Kiku Matsuri is definitely 1, which it couldn't be if they were entirely alphabetical - Illustrious comes before Kiky.

Illustrious Forge is definitely 2, at least in that image.

Maybe there’s not Earth province? Or two Fire provinces?

Or maybe the 1-copy card we’re missing goes instead of an Earth province...

Edited by Tabris2k

I saw Illustrious Forge and immediately thought "...Yajinden?"

Wishful thinking? Epic card though. Surprised it grants that much province strength. Jade Tetsubo anyone?

Someone is going to go on tilt when that new Uni Shugenja flips the forge when the board is blank.

Hitomi is who you send to political conflicts for some "aggressive negotiations".

1 hour ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Yeah, but Kiku Matsuri is definitely 1, which it couldn't be if they were entirely alphabetical - Illustrious comes before Kiky.

Could be FFG alphabet where Crane comes before Crab

On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 6:09 PM, psychie said:

I wouldn't be too worried about dragon using mirumoto daisho, most of the more competitive dragon players seem to be of the opinion that 2 cost makes an attachment unplayable, and as such dismiss them out of hand. It really gets on my nerves.

It must be difficult if differing opinions affect you that much.

Anyone else disturbed Toshimoko doesn't have the Kenshinzen trait?

32 minutes ago, Aztarun said:

1 more character and 1 more holding.

So, we'll be able to make my full Imperial Families dynasty deck. Will still have to play out of some clan stronghold and use that clan's conflict cards, for the most part, but the dynasty side is now fully covered.

Now, it seems like the cards on that dynasty side weren't designed with much synergy and they all seem to have a flat -1 across the stats compared to any faction-specific card, so it won't be able to be successful, but it will exist in the very least.