8 minutes ago, Kaito Kikaze said:Come again?
Emphasis mine. I don't see any demanding here. In fact, I think I've seen more ranting from you against any minor clan inclusion in the game than I've seen from the combined minor clans supporters actually demanding anything.
We get it. You don't like minor clans. No sense in continuing to go to such lengthy monologues in beating the dead Horse Clan.
Okay, let me explain this to you in other terms.
Let's say you are on a train. And the train is very clearly heading to the north.
And you already heard on the radio that the bridge to the north has fallen down and that if it goes in that direction and does not divert, it will derail and go over the cliff into the ocean.
And you try to explain "The bridge is gone, you are driving over a cliff-- you should divert the train now!!"
But, the conductor ignores it and passes up the chance to divert the train, clearly indicates they are just going to keep heading directly for where that bridge used to be.
So you get the attention of the people on the train. You take out your phone and bring up the reports and warn all the passengers that the bridge is out, that if the train keeps heading in that direction it will fall into the ocean and be destroyed.
And what do you hear?
A passenger saying "So, we are going to keep heading north, right?"
And the conductor says "Well, I can't confirm that for sure, but we sure aren't taking any detours and I like whats on the other side of that bridge."
So you try to explain one last time in exhaustive detail that IF the train keeps heading north, the train WILL be destroyed-- no "ifs", no "ands", no "buts"-- the train cannot fly and with that bridge gone, it will fall down and be destroyed.
And then someone says, "Stop ranting and raving!! Just because you don't like the shops on the northern end of the bridge, doesn't mean we shouldn't just keep heading there. I don't see anyone demanding as loudly as you that the train keep heading north."
It is a matter that the train cannot fly and is not going to get over that non-existent bridge and yet is very clearly and obviously heading in that direction whether there is "loud demand" for it or not. Clearly the conductor is bowing to those demands, regardless of whether you personally consider them "loud". And so long as the conductor is trying to crash and destroy the train, it is worth trying to alert people that their action is going to destroy the train.
There was a time I actually liked minor clans, if it felt like there was any room for them I wouldn't be opposed. But a year in any the game feels thread bare regardless of which clan you are making a deck for. Because holdings in the old sense of gold/honor economy have been removed from the game, character cards take on a much greater role. And one has to use between a third to nearly half of the currently existing faction if they are going to make a deck. There really isn't a whole lot of choice. And things are even worse when it comes to attachments and events because they are now mostly exclusive to a clan. And you have to use more than half of those in existence if you are making a pure clan deck. And one can, or rather must, do splash, but that generally means running only 3 copies of a conflict card from another faction. There are only a handful of neutral ones, and of those a couple of the few neutral events there are have already been declared so overpowered that they have been restricted.
A year into the game, 2 entire expansion cycles finished and yet the game feels so very constricted when one is building a deck. Far more so than it ever did in the CCG era because of all the extra restrictions placed on deck building. Interjecting into this a bunch of useless character cards that won't really be usable and have to be printed in a set of however many minor clans would be utterly disastrous. Even in the CCG era when many more cards were being printed, any given minor clan was rarely ever represented by more than a single card and were only printed once so many cards for the factions were printed that they just need common slot junk that wouldn't affect the game much to fill their card packs with.