Once again, still working my way through the rules of RTL and came across another less than clear point concerning heroes and training.
It says that heroes may acquire one new skill or two trait upgrades when they choose the Train/Recup action for a game week.
In a city, this means either taking one of the skills available, or two of the traits available as designated on the map.
In a Secret Master area however they also have the option of upgrading their Health or their Fatigue once per level of the Campaign.
My question is if they are in a Secret Master area can they upgrade both:
Health or Fatigue
Skill or two traits
Or should it be read as Health or Fatigue or Skill or two traits?
Looked through the FAQ and couldn't find anything on this in particular and while it may have already been answered in the forums I couldn't find it.
Thanks for your patience and help. It is much appreciated.