Road to Legend spawning

By Winter324, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hopefully a quick answer to this one:

Am I missing a special spawning rule for the dungeon levels in Road to Legend? It seems like it is almost impossible to spawn using the normal rules for spawning? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Spawning is done as normal with one exception, the "eyes" marker. At the beginning of a dungeon level, the eyes marker is face up. As long as that is face up, the overlord can play a Spawn card as per normal Descent rules (i.e. pay threat, place figures out of LOS, etc). Once a Spawn card is played, flip the eyes over. The Overlord can at any time spend 15 Threat to flip the eyes back up. If the eyes are down, the OL cannot play Spawn cards.

The levels are tight in RtL, so the OL has to sometimes be tricky in how he spawns (play that rock trap, that starts to block LOS, etc) but I think of the 30 dungeon levels I've played, I think only once have the heroes completely blocked LOS where I could *not* spawn...


There are two "special spawning rules" in RtL: the reinforcement marker, and the way spawning in encounters works, but both make it harder to spawn, not easier (well, spawning in encounters is at least always possible, but the monsters have to enter through one of the map edges, and the heroes know about it one turn in advance). If you're referring to the line of sight rules, and to spawning in dungeons, this works exactly the same way as in the base game.

Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm constantly running into the LOS issue in the dungeon areas. I like the rock trap idea...