Alino's Legion Terrain

By Alino, in Terrain Building

Heyo! Alino here, thought I'd update this thread with proper photos, so, with the main post, here's an imaged of the board with all my terrain currently on it. And before you ask - no, I don't usually have the terrain scattered THIS MUCH. And before anybody asks what we use as a table, it's my father's catalog cabinet that he uses for sorting part of his magic the gathering collection. ( And yeah, still live with my father, before anybody asks that too. Moving out next year, only 18 atm.)


Anyways, I tend to post pictures quite frequently on the Star Wars Legion Discord I made back in August 2017. Here's an invite for those interested.

Edited by Alino

Nice crashed ships!

6 hours ago, CaptainRocket said:

Nice crashed ships!

Thanks. I don't spend too much time on terrain (An hour or two a week), so I don't own much yet. The ships are by far and away my favorite pieces, followed by the trees.

Same here. I don't have much time to work on terrain, so I've been slowly tweaking my collection toward a complete table witha few o optionsi can substitute in.

Are the crashed ships buried in the ground, or did you hack them up a bit before placing them? Show some close-ups!

Edited by stackeffect
12 hours ago, stackeffect said:

Same here. I don't have much time to work on terrain, so I've been slowly tweaking my collection toward a complete table witha few o optionsi can substitute in.

Are the crashed ships buried in the ground, or did you hack them up a bit before placing them? Show some close-ups!

Was not expecting a response here, but will do. I'll take some close ups in a bit, as well as some better photos.

To start things off, let's go through all the boxes.

These are some crates I made all the way back when I was 13, using only cardboard (and filled with expanding foam. They're durable, but yeah, I had to use what i had at the time). It's a bit embarrassing to post these as a photo because they do look incredibly bad, but I don't plan to ever get rid of them because it's nice seeing where I started with my Terrain.

Now, onto some crates I bought from Rebel Light Works (I think that's the shop name on Etsy.), mixed in with some scatter terrain I made back when I was 13 (made at the same time as those crates up above. The scatter terrain is just 2 soda bottlecaps glued together. Had the diet of a stereotypical gamer when I was younger, so getting caps was pretty easy.)


Not going to bother posting pictures of each individual tree, because.... it's a brown stump, not much to look at, albeit here's a photo of one next to one of my AT-STs for size comparison. Please ignore how ugly the AT-ST is in this picture, I can promise it is detailed. Using flash on my phone just washes out all the detail, and this isn't a thread for my models so I'm not trying too hard for nice photos.


And here is what happens when you order a Hyena Bomber toy off ebay for 5 bucks, expecting it to be way smaller than it was... but it worked out, i like the two currently-made pieces I've done up.


Here's the vulture droid. :)


And here is the jedi starfighter, my personal favorite piece so far. Unfortunately, alot of the details I painted are washed out because I only use my phone's horrendous camera (30 dollar phone, i use it for calling and texting like a normal person, lol), and i use flash cause the room is so dark. Once I'm out on my own with a stable job next year I'll take better photos of everything, albeit considering this is all terrain I did while learning and with limited resources (such as using trashy dollar store brushes an paints, etc, etc, etc. I do have some Games Workshop paints but those are exclusive to my models, albeit detailing said models is **** near impossible with my brushes.)


Great pieces! You don't really need it, but some shrubbery would look really good with all your stuff.

Hey man, don't sweat living at home. A lot of us "grown ups" have had to move back home for a stretch for various reasons. Our parents do want what's best for us even if they don't show it quite the best way at times. But it's a good step forward to leave the nest too; there's a lot of world out there to experience.

In your first pic, there are some buildings in the background... do you have any pictures of them?
