Road to legend question

By silverkindred, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So just plain ignoring the point where FFG employees have come on and edited/added to the GLoAQ then?

Okay, I see how this argument is now. I'm done.

I don't really understand what you're even trying to point out. The GLoAQ was compiled by players, not by FFG. FFG may have commented on it after it was posted, but have they ever asserted that the GLoAQ is comprehensive?

If FFG confirmed that the GLoAQ contained every "official" answer they have ever given out, then I would set aside my other concerns, because that's really the one that trumps everything else. But barring that happening, even if you accept the individual answers as "official", it's like consulting a FAQ that has half the pages missing. And given this game's history of conflicting rules, there's a good chance those missing pages change the meaning of at least some of the answers you do have, so I wouldn't put too much stock in an incomplete FAQ.