So between 3 core sets, 3 imperial, 3 rebel, 2 scum faction conversions, and a new scum falcon, I have 17 new shield tokens. Am I missing something?
Can someone point me where to get shield tokens?
=O why did you buy so much of that stuff?
What I understand is that tokens come as needed. So you only get the shield tokens you need. Thats why you dont get any bomb tokens as well, because there are no ships in the core that drop bombs. The conversion kit assumes you have the 1.0 ships (hence the need to convert them), so you already have shield tokens.
If you want to convert 1.0 shield tokens to 2.0, what I did was pain tone side of each token with a red sharpy
My collection can be described as "mistakes were made". I thought I read that for 2.0 events you had to have 2.0 tokens. Is this not accurate?
Yeah the core sets and conversions don't come with many shield tokens. Also it is split on the expansions with the target locks where some have a matching all white and all black set and some are just 1 target lock with the color flipped over. I just got one of each which gives me enough but I am not convinced a core set + all the wave 1 expansions for a single faction + the conversion kit for the same faction gives enough tokens.
FYI, this board might be coming down soon. This is for the defunct custom mission creator that hasn't been updated since Wave 6 of 1st edition. Given the current condition of their "official app" I don't really expect FFG to update Mission Control to 2.0 edition.
9 hours ago, theonetruejedi said:I thought I read that for 2.0 events you had to have 2.0 tokens. Is this not accurate?
Nope, not accurate. You can still use first edition tokens.
Just got the new Resistance conversion kit. Only 4 tokens in there.
I disagree with using a Sharpie to couloir in the old tokens.
Version two tokens are different and enough sound be provided in each kit to cover a minimum of a 200pt build.
Here in the U.K. we have the sale of goods act; the item sold should be fit for its intended use!
Fancy fighting that one in court FFG?
or just give ships free Packs of 10 new style shield tokens to give to any customer.