I was near-jubilant when TCW established that the mandalorians who venerated the Kotor-era warrior culture were mostly fringe lunatic psuedo-fascists. Rebels backtracked this a little, but kept the fringe elements as the ones collaborating with the empire and the more moderate factions in more or less open rebellion against the same.
I'll probably rub some people the wrong way by bringing politics into their star wars (newsflash: there was always politics in star wars) but I'm hoping they don't throw around mando warrior culture as something unquestionably good and honorable as, if we look past a few centuries of romantic sanitation every historic example that we could call a warrior culture has been, on the whole, a ridiculously oppressive society. While it's fairly easy to look up to the idealized individual honorable knight/samurai/gentleman as a paragon of integrity, courage and honesty you have to remember that in reality such ideals lead to societies that venerated a highly toxic honor culture, where you were expected to demand satisfaction or death for every slight, perceived or real or else risk being shunned by family or society.
And it's not like we've completely outgrown it, even in the "enlightened" western world.
Eh, at least Rebels depicted the mandalorians as refreshingly unbothered by gender, so even if we get hit full on in the face with chauvinistic mandalorian warrior culture, it's quite likely we'll be spared the worst of the misogynistic aspects of it.
So that was a bit of rant, but I'm not going to make excuses for being more than a little bothered by people who can't separate the virtues of honesty and integrity from the often wildly toxic concept we call "honor".