Imperial Star Destroyer Deck Plans

By A-A Ron, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Would anyone have a link or anything to Imperial Star Destroyer deck plans? If I can be specific, I'd like plans to a Gladiator Class Star Destroyer, but any deck plans would be useful.

My players decided to pull a Han Solo and charge the Star Destroyer. They rolled a despair at the last moment and got caught in the tractor beam. Now I have to plan a whole new session I was not prepared for. Got to love despairs!

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

There are no deckplans for any Star Destroy that I'm aware of. The ships are just too big, trying to draw every room and closet would be an ever expanding descent into insanity.

That said, The old WEG Death Star Technical Companion had individual modules and sections that could be applied to rooms and locations in a Star Destroyer. Check out the D6 Holocron.

Then all you have to do is figure out where the players will actually be able to go. Look at ANH. Han Chewie, Luke and Leia run around the Death Star, but where they go only matters from the perspective of the encounters. There was no need to map out an entire moon-sized battle station. You've got the same situation here. Figure out where they are going to be taken, and how they can escape. If you need, look up real world aircraft carrier cut-aways for inspiration, as that will give you an idea of how a large ship with carried fighters would be laid out and what sections would be likely to be next to another. The WEG adventure Starfall also has a side-view cut away, and the entire adventure is about escaping a heavily damaged Victory-class...

Edited by Ghostofman



Well, @Ghostofman gave the answer I normally do to this question when it comes up, right down to saying that trying to make those deckplans leads to madness. ?

So...what he said. ?

2 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Well, @Ghostofman gave the answer I normally do to this question when it comes up, right down to saying that trying to make those deckplans leads to madness. ?

So...what he said. ?

Well some poor Kuat Engineer had to design it all soooo

18 minutes ago, Samuel Richard said:

Well some poor Kuat Engineer had to design it all soooo

And he went mad...mad, I tell you!

I also remember a massive thread on The Rancor Pit forums (D6 Star Wars) where they were discussing what would actually be in a Star Destroyer deck by deck.... basing a lot of it on actual military warships. Was pretty interesting, not sure they ever got round to doing deck plans but it could be useful for location ideas.

I haven’t got a link unfortunately but sure a bit of searching on there will find it.

1 hour ago, AceSolo5 said:

Holy crap that is a lot of information. Unless you have the drawings you can't easily convey through description the immense size of one of these suckers.

Edited by Archlyte

Thank you everyone! This is all great information! I really didn't hope that there would be an actual floor by floor, room by room schematic, just more of something akin to one floor plan or so. I really just wanted an idea in my mind at the very least so I could paint a better picture for my players. Thanks again. And if anyone does dive into insanity and draws up those plans, or steals them and stashes them in a droid, I'd love to see them!