So with the new expansion, that X-01 is going to be a tempted figure to get, as well as the Combat Armor Sniper, I started wondering what other Fallout figures I personally would like to see, in a smaller booster pack form (Mainly for the figure).
Death Claw - Seriously, Who DOESNT want a death claw as an actual figure!
Sentry bot (Fallout 4 Style) - If they are adding a Mr. Handy, X-01, and Gattling Laser T-45, the Sentry Bot would be a solid addition to make a powerful impact, weather in game or on my shelf.
Elliott Tercorien (Fallout 3 Winterized Medic Armor) w/ R91 assault rifle - This would be a nice classic thing that could bring some Mothership Zeta stuff into the board game for the players, Adapted Biogel for healing , Zeta Aliens as enemies. all wrapped up with our fav medic! Honestly, I wouldnt mind a Zeta alien too, but if you add that it should go with a full size expansion based on Mothership Zeta.
How bout you guys, any figures you wanna see?