dodging another heroes breath attack

By 00Ripley00, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

we have done this a few times and am just wondering if it is legit . hero #1 is attacking with a breath weapon hero #2 is in the breath attack's range hero#1 rolls his dice and hero #2 has hero #1 reroll any bad dice rolled. hero # 2 obviously takes some damage but all the critters in the breath die to a wikedly strong breath attack can this be legit?

I assume you mean the dodging hero re-rolls the dice to make them even worse? By a strict reading of RAW, yes. I can see why people would have thematic issues with that, but I can see no rules reason why it shouldn't be allowed. Though wouldn't it have been easier just to have hero #1 aim?

Lol, though I do have to give you Kudos for originality, I've never heard of anything like that before.

I'm pretty sure he means to make the dice better (so that it does more damage to the monsters in the AoE). And aiming only works on one attack, and costs a half-action from the person with the AoE weapon instead of from an ally, so no, that would not necessarily be easier; with a dodging ally, you can Battle to make two AoE attacks and reroll both of them, and if any monsters survive, the ally still has a dodge.

This has actually been discussed before. Note that if the overlord is sitting between the attacking hero and the dodging hero in clockwise order, he can usurp the reroll by playing a Dodge card (rules state that the first dodging player to the attacker's left chooses which dice to reroll), but otherwise there is no problem with this tactic by RAW, and if you have the optimal seating positions there's nothing the overlord can do about it (other than try to trap you before you're in position, of course).

For maximum effect, make sure the dodging hero quaffs an invisibility potion. The result of the stealth die only affects figures with the Stealth ability, so you can reroll the stealth die to try and get an X and prevent the dodging hero from being affected at all while still rerolling other dice to maximize damage.

This tactics is actually on our groups list for things we must do sometimes, just for the heck of it :P

In our current campaign one hero has the breath copper weapon and anohter has the cursed shield. With that combo its a very viable (but a bit cheesy) tactic.

And it's crap like this that makes me wish that in this situation, the dodge roll only affected the thing dodging, not everything in the template.

Fizz said:

And it's crap like this that makes me wish that in this situation, the dodge roll only affected the thing dodging, not everything in the template.

House-rules FTW.

To really have fun abusing this, you need a hero with Ironskin, either from the RtL rumor from ToI or from the hero creator. Then the hero can dodge the attack to make it stronger, and not even take any damage. "all damage dealt to figures with Ironskin by attacks that affect more than one space (such as Blast, Burn, and Breath) is reduced to zero"

Or just have the busted copper shield from AoD and use that.....

"+5 armor against blast, breath, and bolt attacks"

Jonny WS said:

Or just have the busted copper shield from AoD and use that.....

"+5 armor against blast, breath, and bolt attacks"

How is it busted? It is cursed, after all...


i agree with JWS that shield is Dammmmmm busted

Ripley... said:

i agree with JWS that shield is Dammmmmm busted

Only when you use Crushing Blow on it... cool.gif

>-< >-<

" "


I'm still curious why you think that shield is busted? Our Trenloe had it in our RtL campaign, and while it made him more tough, I was still able to whittle him down. Granted, I did hit him with Crushing Blow, and ended up taking the shield over the armor (Plate I think it was, the main Copper armor), but I certainly didn't find it "broken"...


well for one there is no other shield better in my opinion and two it looks cool lol :)

Ripley... said:

well for one there is no other shield better in my opinion and two it looks cool lol :)

It's the best shield in the game, therefore it's broken? Did I miss a step here? By that logic the best of every item class is broken, and there will always be a "best" no matter how you change the rules.

I agree it's a powerful shield, but I don't know that I would call it broken.

cursed items make the hero worth more conquest as a penalty - so when he dies, the overlord benefits (unless one of your players has the hero that can remove tokens for fatigue, as in my party)

But the shield, improving the armor to a point where its near impossible to wound the hero, kind of negates that penalty. So its a bit uber.

Chernobyl said:

cursed items make the hero worth more conquest as a penalty - so when he dies, the overlord benefits (unless one of your players has the hero that can remove tokens for fatigue, as in my party)

But the shield, improving the armor to a point where its near impossible to wound the hero, kind of negates that penalty. So its a bit uber.

The shield only gives +armor against Blast, Bolt, and Breath attacks. Against the vast majority of attacks, it's not better than a Crystal Shield (copper, not cursed). Furthermore, monsters with Blast or Breath have the option of not using those abilities, and thereby bypassing that extra armor (and there are no standard monsters with Bolt).

So that +5 armor basically only helps you if another hero is already being hurt by the attack; there's almost no possible situation in which it actually completely negates the attack, assuming the overlord plays intelligently. And even if the overlord doesn't adjust his tactics at all (which is just lazy), it still only helps against a small set of monsters (hellhounds, dragons, lava beetles).

Wow...okay, I retract my last statement then....

The shield is VERY strong. All the other shields may be better in that they are not cursed, or provide more wound cancellation, but with the skull shield, you can prevent wounds that ignore armor. Its not for every hero, but put it on a few with certain skills and other items, you have an "almost" broken combination.

And my opinion.

Yeah, the Skull Shield is worth about half a healing potion (over the crystal shield) in any round that you suffer wounds that ignore armor but no wounds that don't ignore armor. That's worth notice, but it's not exactly earth-shattering. It might reduce the total number of times you die during a quest, though I wouldn't count on it.

In Enduring Evil, the shop sells Blood Charms for 150 coins. "Other" item, exhaust to cancel one received wound (possibly a wound that ignores armor). They're certainly useful, but they're not must-haves...and Aura, Bleed, and Burn are all more common in Enduring Evil.

ummmm ya guys relax i just meant that its a wickedly good shield in my circles i call wiked things broken i didn't mean that the shield is too strong for the environment i just meant it was in my opinion the best shield so far . Sorry for the confusion. Confucius says : A bird in hand makes hard to blow your nose.

It's that attitude that makes a lot of heroes forget that the shield is Cursed. That extra CP can come into play a lot with a smart OL. After the 4th kill in one session, the hero starts to reconsider carrying a cursed weapon (especially if they have 2 of 'em, weapon + shield)...


that is true the shield on the wrong character can lead to a boost in the OL's CP but on the right one say brother glear <-forgot the spelling lol the shield can be a pain in the Threat :)

oh PS : i am gonna have fun picking on you today see you in a few hours