Jabbas Realm - Dangerous Allies question

By totalnoob, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Will try to spoiler the question about a rule in the mission.

The setup has this rule.

At the start of each Status Phase, the Khetanna's cannon fires. Rebels choose a space on the map...

My question is once other tiles are connected to the Khetanna, can they chose any space on those tiles as well? If so this means they can use the cannon to help them clear out the Spaceport.


Edited by totalnoob

"The map" is all of the tiles currently active, it doesn't matter that some tiles are not connected to each other.

For example figures are "removed from the map" when defeated, so all tiles that can have figures are part of the map.

3 hours ago, a1bert said:

"The map" is all of the tiles currently active, it doesn't matter that some tiles are not connected to each other.

For example figures are "removed from the map" when defeated, so all tiles that can have figures are part of the map.

Thanks A1bert!