Rebel Bomber fleet

By TheSoberPug, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Hi guys. I want to make a fleet without having to spend to much money. I’ve decided a squadron based fleet would work the best since I’m on a budget. Check it out and give me some advice please

MC 75 Armored

Sato, Strategic Adviser, Caitken and Shollon, Rapid Launch Bays, Early Warning System, Flechette Torpedoes, Overload Pulse, Enhanced Armanment, Aspiration

Command Pelta

Wing Commander, Projection Experts, Shields To Maximum, Boosted Comms, Phoenix Home, Ashoka Tano

Keyan Farlander, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, 1 B-Wing, 4 X-Wings

I’m using most of the upgrades to either make the MC-75 tankier or to make the squadrons better. My plan for using this is use Boosted comms on the pelts To command my squadron from the backline while I use my MC-75 to tank. With my fighters, I want to make use of escort and get Luke, Wedge, Keyan, and my B-Wing bombing the enemy ships.

P.S. I have the core set, Phoenix Home, Profundity and Rebel squadrons 1.

Edited by TheSoberPug

All fighters follow me instead of shields to maximum even with rapid launch bays you want to keeps those squadrons especially the b wings moving. No sense taking phoenix home if you're not taking two officers, raymus works very well with Ahsoka.

Okay thanks!

Do you know if Imperial squadron fleets are,any good?

By the way, I replaced shields to maximum with fighter follow me and switched projection experts with fighter coordination team to get the fighters moving as soon as they get on the board from rapid launch bays

I also put rapid hangar bays on the pelta instead and hardened bulkheads on the Mc 75

Edited by TheSoberPug

Take Dadonna instead of Sato as with Luke an early crit can really cripple an opponent's ship.

Take Dutch Vander instead of an X-Wing as he works really well with Wedge.

Stuff like this belongs on the fleet builds subforum so I can find it more quickly. ?

On 9/26/2018 at 5:31 PM, TheSoberPug said:

Do you know if Imperial squadron fleets are any good?

Yes, Imperial squads can be very good. A “standard” Sloane list would need the Quasar expansion, an original wave 2 ISD, a Gozanti and all the Empire-compatible squad packs (and the Corellian Conflict) if you’re asking out of an interest in trying it.

As for the current list, it could use more ships. Two activations hinders your ability to see your opponent’s movement and leaves you vulnerable to being tabled. The CR90 from the core is a solid skirmisher; since you’re on a budget, make it a CR90B, slap Dodonna’s Pride on it and it’s good to go. Dodonna pairs well with his corvette, and is probably a better fit since you aren’t really built for Sato. He isn’t a commander that appreciates a major squad investment, but wants just enough squads to survive and trigger his effect. If he’s not bringing significant firepower buffs to your ships, he’s not worth it. ECM is almost an auto-include for any big ship that can take it; Overload Pulse is bad, because it triggers after they’ve spent as many defense tokens as they want against that attack, and does nothing to exhausted ones. So your opponent can brace, redirect, and/or evade to exhaust his tokens before you can and the end result is the same. Since you have Boosted Comms and Projection Experts, do you also have Home One or are you just open to proxying? Either one opens up some significant options.

I plan on buying home one but I don’t have it yet. Also, I love Sato so I just put him in all my fleets and put in a few fighters. BTW check out this ship. I know ships like the viscount are more well known but I like this more.

2 hours ago, TheSoberPug said:

I plan on buying home one but I don’t have it yet. Also, I love Sato so I just put him in all my fleets and put in a few fighters. BTW check out this ship. I know ships like the viscount are more well known but I like this more.

Home One is great as a carrier. If you want to be competitive you'll want some different ships under Sato (or more similar ships under Dodonna,) but I've heard about this thing called "fun," where people don't obsessively optimize builds. ? He'll work fine. It's also entirely possible to make a very solid Ackbar list with a Pelta, MC75, MC80 and CR90. I do like the Starhawk, but would definitely want it to make a cinematic appearance (or at least any visual appearance) before I'd welcome it into the game.


This fleet desperately needs the CR90 from the core set. It begs for a third activstion, especially with so many squads to move around.

7 hours ago, Norell said:

This fleet desperately needs the CR90 from the core set. It begs for a third activstion, especially with so many squads to move around.

Which isn't to say that the CR90 should be pushing those squads, short of an emergency.

Thanks! Ill add it

Well you also need something like Jan or some way to move those squads better. In my meta, your list would be 7-4ed for sure. Need to have intel. You also need crits with DodonnA bc he like damage cards. For your list, I would use garm. If you are set on dodonna, this list needs a lot of work.

A Nebulon B with the Yavaris title also works well in a squadron list.

On 10/22/2018 at 8:32 PM, Cleto0 said:

Well you also need something like Jan or some way to move those squads better. In my meta, your list would be 7-4ed for sure. Need to have intel. You also need crits with DodonnA bc he like damage cards. For your list, I would use garm. If you are set on dodonna, this list needs a lot of work.

Intel isn't always required if you've got fighters or fighter-bombers in your list. I recently switched from a Jan+YT1300 build to no Intel. So far I've gone 7 wins and 2 losses with my list mostly in tournaments vs other squad-heavy lists which have all had Intel.

In the Vassal Autumn Tournament, with 66 players, the top 4 is made up of 3 squad heavy lists and one no-squad list. No Intel in the top 4. You can go without.

Edit p.s.

Having said all that, my biggest loss was against a Riekaan list and a zombie Jan that tied my squads up on a crucial turn! Intel would have saved me then.

Edited by Zamalekite

Intel isn’t a huge huge deal, but if you just throw it in, it can really help you with bombing @Zamalekite

as you say in your own experience. Really surprised that intel was not in top 4.

On 11/16/2018 at 4:57 PM, Zamalekite said:

In the Vassal Autumn Tournament, with 66 players, the top 4 is made up of 3 squad heavy lists and one no-squad list. No Intel in the top 4. You can go without.

While I agree with your argument, I have to point out that my fleet is not squadronless, but has a lone Ciena Ree instead to keep squad-heavy fleets honest ;)

Not a bad play at all. I like C&V
