I really like the idea of the app and the potential it has for the future. I am confident that you guys will work out bugs as time goes on. However there is one issue I am not so sure about. At the moment it appears as though the app doesn't function when offline. It just hangs on a black screen untill internet access becomes available. Please please please make changing this a priority. Me and my son love going camping with Xwing and taking it in road trips with us. Without having offline access to the squad builder it will be less enjoyable and we may not even bring the game with us. Part of the fun for us is talking about our games and looking back over our builds, point costs, etc, and changing things around both before and after games. We often work together while driving around to come up with thematic squads and nit pick upgrades and point crunching. We love Star Wars and we love your game. Having something we can connect with so regularly is a blessing as a father.
I hope you consider offline compatibility for us casual players that enjoy playing your game far from internet access.
Edit: title did not reflect topic accurately.
Edited by sirfuzzzy