Recently I bought a 3D printed escape pod for my Legion games, there's a discussion about the piece and some more pictures on my blog:
Recently I bought a 3D printed escape pod for my Legion games, there's a discussion about the piece and some more pictures on my blog:
Cool piece looks nice. ?
Edited by LordBubbaCheers bud, I'm glad you like it.
it would be really cool for you multiple escape pods, on the table it would really make it look like a Storm trooper assault.
You could also Put objective tokens on them ?
It would be really cool the hatch was open, and blast marks on it.
Also really like your paint scheme and weathering. ?
I was going to use this as an objective, so I'm glad we're singing from the same hymn sheet. But yea, several of them would look great! Thanks bud!
I’m speaking for my brother.
He really likes the details,and he thinks it’s a great piece of terrain. ? ?
Tell him, thanks!
You know, I posted a clone wars topic. if you want to check it out you can go to the army building section thanks man. ?
Edited by LordBubbaCheers bud, I'll check it out!