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The Dice Pool Podcast - Q&A with Behind the Screens
I figure this was an apropos question for sci-fi/space opera genres in Genesys, but it might be better served on the Order66 podcast. But here goes: could you folks and possibly GM Chris share your thoughts on space combat? What works best? What are some of the pitfalls? What do the changes in Genesys represent and would you make recommendations to change other stuff?
I'm concerned with keeping the other PC's properly "occupied" so they're more than just passengers in the way of the gunner, pilot, and engineer.
This might apply to a lesser extent for mechs, tanks, or even water-based vessels. But primarily I'm thinking in terms of the whole party being in a single vehicle instead of each PC being in their own.
3 hours ago, Dragonshadow said:I figure this was an apropos question for sci-fi/space opera genres in Genesys, but it might be better served on the Order66 podcast. But here goes: could you folks and possibly GM Chris share your thoughts on space combat? What works best? What are some of the pitfalls? What do the changes in Genesys represent and would you make recommendations to change other stuff?
I'm concerned with keeping the other PC's properly "occupied" so they're more than just passengers in the way of the gunner, pilot, and engineer.
This might apply to a lesser extent for mechs, tanks, or even water-based vessels. But primarily I'm thinking in terms of the whole party being in a single vehicle instead of each PC being in their own.
This is a topic close to our heart. Expect an entire episode dedicated to vehicle combat and rules.
With regard to vehicle rules, I’ve been wondering about the effect of difficult terrain on the forced move a vehicle must make each turn in structured encounters, according to its speed (CRB pg 221, Table III.2-14). We know that difficult terrain requires twice as man maneuvers to cross (unless a talent like All-Terrain Driver is implemented), and also adds Setback dice to skill checks made while traversing it. I’m just curious as to whether the terrain could affect the velocity (represented by the forced move) by perhaps halving the number of range bands (rounded up) that must be covered? Because from experience, covering broken terrain in a vehicle - be it in a Humvee, truck, or main battle tank - you can’t just go full out unless you know what you’re doing (having a specific talent) or you’re skillful enough to maneuver that beast (driving/piloting skill).
I’m thinking that, if a PC doesn’t have a talent such as All-Terrain Driver, a Dangerous Driving action, if successful, should allow the driver/pilot to mitigate the effects of terrain for that turn only , with subsequent checks being required each following turn as long as the GM rules the vehicles are still in the badlands, swamp, what have you.