First 2.0 Tournament

By No Pickles, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Today, I played in my first 2.0 tournament at Silver Dragon Games in Miami. I flew Luke, Wedge, and Thane.

Luke Skywalker: Supernatural Reflexes, Proton Torpedoes, R3 Astro (86)

Wedge Antilles: Outmaneuver (58)

Thane Kyrell: Predator (50)

Total 194 (to beat other ace lists for the bid)

Game 1: Joe

Joe flew the two tubes brothers, a cavern angel zealot, and the init 2 y-wing. Both X-wings had dead man switch and R3.

I set up Wedge as far forward as possible along the right edge, with Thane in the middle and Luke to the left of him (both one base length behind Wedge). On the first round of combat Benthic was out of range, and the X-wings got Edrio to 1 hull. Next round, I took out Edrio (who exploded on all 3 of my ships) and started taking Benthic and the Y-wing down. He split damage, getting Wedge down to 2 hull and the others to 1 while I took out his Y-wing and Benthic. In the last round, I had all 3 with range one shots on his X-wing, who blew up Thane and Luke with him.

(Close) Win, 200-165

Game 2: Ed

Ed flew a Rebel synergy list with Garven and Shara (with selfless), feeding both of them with focus tokens from Esege with perceptive co-pilot. My dice were on fire, and I barely destroyed Esege in the first round by purposely not triggering the crit on Luke's torpedo. With Esege gone, Wedge and Luke (he popped Thane next round) cleaned up.

Win 200-50

Game 3: Greg

Both of us were 2-0. Greg flew Shara with APT and Zeb, Jan, and 2 Z-95s with hull upgrade, crack shot, and cluster missiles.

Again, my dice were good and I took Shara out before she could shoot or get into close range and massacre my 2 agi X wings. Supernatural Luke and K-turns/T-rolls kept his ships in arc and I easily finished. Thane was taken to half points.

Win 200-25

Wedge can hit anything, and Luke gives consistent focus tl. Thane was a big threat because of his nasty ability (and init 5 helped me ps-kill ships) and took the first hits to save Luke and Wedge for the end game. X-Wings are definitely back. Had a blast flying with these guys and hope to go back soon.

geez they like Rebels down in Florida