threshold on pdf printout

By crusaders, in X-Wing Squad Builder

When you make a printout of your sqd , there is a box with hal pointe and threshold.

is this the point when you get half points?

example: black sun soldier with marksmenship. half points 14 threshold 2 health.

Yep, that's the one.


I think the main issue people have just now is, that threshold damage done or health remaining. Normally you might think that's health remaining but that makes ships with odd amounts of health distinctly worse than ones with even amounts. For example Guri has a threshold of 3, which if it's health remaining means shes gives up the points after taking 2 damage.

Ships give half points if reduced to half health or less, so in the case of Guri she needs to take 3 out of 5(4+1) damage to give half points. I.e. threshold must be damage needed to give half points.