Upsilon Rant

By SailorJoeV, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

So I've been a huge Imperial/First Order Player in 1.0, and now that I finally have all the conversion kits for 2.0, I began to get super excited about the First Order Conversion box. I mean, there has been an FO ship in almost all of my Imperial Builds since I started playing. I even found a way to work the Upsilon Shuttle into a squad or two, because, lets face it, that ship looks mean. But it has a huge problem. Once something gets behind it, it done for. The Lambda had the same issue and I'm excited to see that it now has a rear arc. I was hoping the Upsilon would get the same treatment, but NOOOOOOO!!! Seriously? Does it have a turret now? Is it going to be super cheap? Are the pilots going to act like some type of super buff? Why in the world would someone field this ship when all your opponent has to do is get behind it?

I realize, I'm probably early in my complaints, but come on! This ship deserves some reason to get it on the mat!


Maybe it can equip the Special Forces Gunner shown?