Tonight, I played my first 2.0 game with the following list:
RZ-1 A-wing - Green Squadron Pilot - 43
Green Squadron Pilot - (34)
Outmaneuver (6)
Homing Missiles (3)
T-65 X-wing - Red Squadron Veteran - 56
Red Squadron Veteran - (43)
Predator (2)
Proton Torpedoes (9)
Munitions Failsafe (2)
Servomotor S-foils (Closed) (0)
T-65 X-wing - Red Squadron Veteran - 56
Red Squadron Veteran - (43)
Predator (2)
Proton Torpedoes (9)
Munitions Failsafe (2)
Servomotor S-foils (Closed) (0)
RZ-1 A-wing - Green Squadron Pilot - 43
Green Squadron Pilot - (34)
Outmaneuver (6)
Homing Missiles (3)
Total: 198/200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
I was playing against an Imperial list of a TIE Reaper, two TIE Phantoms, and a TIE Bomber. I lost pretty soundly, though I almost managed to kill the Bomber, and reduced one Phantom to half health. (I managed to get the Bomber to 1 Hull, and then three times one of my ships was lined up for a killing shot, only to have his higher-initiative pilots kill them before they could fire.)
Homing Missiles are very useful on A-Wings.
Outmaneuver didn't come into play very often.
Munitions Failsafe didn't come into play at all (neither of the X-Wings ever managed to fire a torpedo).
Predator was applicable a couple times, though usually not on the target I wanted.
R4 Astromech looks useless on an X-Wing until you realize just how often you'd dearly love to have that 2-turn be blue.
I'd like to keep the 2X/2A grouping for thematic reasons, but I'll probably remove Outmaneuver and Munitions Failsafe and see if I can't bump up to some named pilots with decent abilities. I'll also try flying the A-Wings a little different next time, darting in and out of combat rather than charging in and trying to stay on target. Overall, I was happy with how everything flew, considering I'm still pretty much a rookie myself, and I look forward to tweaking this some more.
Of course, next week I'd like to try out my Imperial list:
TIE/sk Striker - Black Squadron Scout - 41
Black Squadron Scout - (38)
Seismic Charges (3)
TIE/ph Phantom - “Echo” - 54
•“Echo” -
Slippery Trickster
Juke (4)
-class T-4a Shuttle - Captain Kagi - 64
•Captain Kagi -
The Emperor’s Shuttle Pilot
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Freelance Slicer (3)
ISB Slicer (3)
TIE/sk Striker - Black Squadron Scout - 41
Black Squadron Scout - (38)
Seismic Charges (3)
Total: 200/200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
And if tokens get too irritating, I may even need to try out:
-class T-4a Shuttle - Omicron Group Pilot - 46
Omicron Group Pilot - (43)
ISB Slicer (3)
-class T-4a Shuttle - Omicron Group Pilot - 46
Omicron Group Pilot - (43)
ISB Slicer (3)
-class T-4a Shuttle - •Lieutenant Sai - 59
•Lieutenant Sai -
Death Squadron Veteran
Freelance Slicer (3)
ISB Slicer (3)
-class T-4a Shuttle - Omicron Group Pilot - 46
Omicron Group Pilot - (43)
ISB Slicer (3)
Total: 197/200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Edited by JJ48